本帖最后由 穎太世澤 于 2016-4-25 04:19 编辑 " R3 M9 Y# L) F5 Z, f" _$ o
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7 g& F7 a" m" f2 A; ? 渤海海底隧道 Bohai undersea tunnel
8 N. ^9 w8 r" m" S& W
: Q4 x5 p. ^$ iChina Bohai undersea tunnel will be over twice as long as Chunnel and should break ground this year
中国的渤海海底隧道将超过英法海底隧道两倍长并将于今年破土动工 ; p! M) S( t4 ~+ W/ v- M: L9 V! z4 f
The Bohai Strait Tunnel or Dalian-Yantai Tunnel project proposes the construction of an underwater tunnel to connect Dalian on the Liaodong Peninsula to Yantai on the Shandong Peninsula. Another name for the project is Cross-Bohai-Strait channel. 渤海海峡跨海通道 或 大连 - 烟台隧道工程提出了一个海底隧道的建设,以连接大连的辽东半岛到烟台的山东半岛。该项目的另一个名字是跨渤海海峡通道。 ( f8 Y3 a+ n( N+ L9 T( x
Crossing the Bohai Strait the tunnel would be 123 kilometers (76 mi) long, 90 kilometers (56 mi) of it under water. This would exceed the combined lengths of the two longest undersea tunnels on Earth, the Seikan Tunnel and the Channel tunnel. 跨越渤海海峡隧道会有123公里长(76英里),在水下部分它有90公里(56英里)。这将超过地球上两个最长的海底隧道青函隧道和英法隧道的长度总合。+ u9 ?/ X& i$ H( v1 L& u2 Q
- @# ?$ P5 J$ |) J W5 G渤海海底隧道; t/ s" i' H& {( G
渤海海底隧道 Bohai undersea tunnel
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The planned high speed railway would traverse Bohai Bay, connecting Dalian in the south of Liaoning province with the Shandong province city of Yantai. "It will reduce travel time across Bohai Bay to a mere 40 minutes," Wang commented. 王先生解说: 计划中的高速铁路将穿越渤海湾,连接辽宁省南部的大连与山东省的烟台市。“这将缩短穿越渤海湾的旅行时间至仅需40分钟”。
# |& e. ]; V4 H" a5 }( p6 EAt present, a ferry ride across the bay takes about eight hours, while travelling between the two cities by vehicle means covering 1,400 kilometers of coastal roads. 目前,乘坐渡轮穿越海湾需要8小时,而乘车于两个城市之间的旅程意味着将越过1400公里的沿海公路。 . x: N7 {. n. U& q
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