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2023-8-14 01:31| 发布者: weiwei |原作者: 陶然野佬|来自: 陶然野佬旧都回眸

摘要: 1940年,西苑中海游泳池边 图片1940年,西苑南海北岸连通中海水道上的石曲桥,可见瀛台牣鱼亭、南岸新华门。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1940年9月号 图片1940年,西苑南海流水音亭内九曲泉流盃渠。选自《北支》摄影杂志 ...

1940年,西苑中海游泳池边 [日伪时期]

1940年,西苑南海北岸连通中海水道上的石曲桥,可见瀛台牣鱼亭、南岸新华门。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1940年9月号 [日伪时期]

1940年,西苑南海流水音亭内九曲泉流盃渠。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1940年7月号 [日伪时期]

1940年,西苑南海瀛台迎熏亭、湛虚楼等湖滨景色。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1940年7月号 [日伪时期]

1940年,行驶在西长安街新华门前的有轨电车 [日伪时期]

1941年,西苑南海瀛台春明楼湖滨父子垂钓,这可能都是潜伏的抵抗者。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1941年3月号 [日伪时期]

1941年,西苑南海瀛台迎薰亭东侧,岸边垂钓者。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1941年6月号 [日伪时期]

1941年,西苑中海溜冰场。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1941年1月号 [日伪时期]

1941年,西苑中海溜冰场花样滑冰的女孩。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1941年1月号 [日伪时期]

1942年,西苑南海湖滨的恋人。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1942年5月号 [日伪时期]

1942年,西苑南海瀛台西侧岸边,园工在打捞水草。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1942年5月号 [日伪时期]

1942年,西苑南海韵古堂西侧岸边的俯清泚榭。选自《北支》摄影杂志,1942年4月号 [日伪时期]




1945年前后,西苑金鳌玉蝀桥中海一侧。原注释:Zhonghai Lake in winter with Jin'ao Yudong Qiao and Bai ta on Qiong Island in the background. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑南海瀛台迎熏亭西面。由南海西岸向东拍摄 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑南海灜台牣鱼亭北侧 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑南海灜台牣鱼亭南侧 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑中海南岸北望金鳌玉蝀桥和北海琼岛白塔 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑中海水云榭 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑中海水云榭和万善殿 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑中海水云榭南侧东岸,向北偏西拍摄,可见水云榭 [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1945年前后,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿,内供七级木佛塔。原注释:Qian sheng dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]





1940s,西苑门(故宫西华门对面)。门内大影壁上中间镶嵌的开光琉璃装饰现已无存。原注释:Detail of Xi yuan men at Wan shan dian showing inscribed board and wall with glazed-tile relief panel,Zhonghai. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海北岸石曲桥。原注释:Curved walkway and marble balustrades with lion finials at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海北岸松竹斋南侧的花窗影墙。原注释:Curved wall with ornamental window shapes at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison] (1)

1940s,西苑南海北岸松竹斋南侧的花窗影墙。原注释:Gate and flanking walls with ornamental window shapes and a moon gate by the water at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison] (2)

1940s,西苑南海某殿供的关公像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing statue of Buddha. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海日知阁,应属淑清院范围,位于东端。原注释:Small pavilion used as a private residence in Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海双环亭(风亭月榭)。原注释:Curved marble balustrade and covered walkway at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海双环亭(月榭风亭)、卍字廊(今已不存)。原注释:Curved balustrade, covered walkway, and roofs of Shuang huan wan shou ting at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海双环万夀亭(风亭月榭)、卐字廊(今已不存)。原注释:Covered walkway and roofs of Shuang huan wan shou ting at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海双环万夀亭(风亭月榭)和卍字廊(今已不存)。原注释:Curved balustrade, covered walkway, and roofs of Shuang huan wan shou ting at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Morrison Hedda]

1940s,西苑南海双环万寿亭内部。原注释:Curved marble balustrade at water's edge at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海卍字廊(今已不存)。原注释:Interior view of covered walkways at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing painted rafters(Nanhai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海卍字廊局部(今已不存)。原注释:Rock garden next to a covered walkway at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海卍字廊内拍摄双环亭(今已不存)。原注释:Shuang huan wan shou ting at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]


1940s,西苑南海瀛台涵元门外侧,东、西二楼为祥晖楼、瑞曜楼。由祥晖楼南端二层廊下向西拍摄,涵元门内可见屏门和西面的庆云殿。原注释:Gate seen from the balcony of a building at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海瀛台南侧和湖面上的荷叶莲花。原注释:Lotus-covered Nanhai Lake and Yingtai Island with buildings. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海瀛台南侧和湖面上的莲花荷叶。原注释:Lotus-covered Nanhai Lake and Yingtai Island with buildings. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海瀛台翔鸾阁,位于瀛台北部。清代康熙年建,是瀛台的正门,翔鸾阁坐南朝北,上下两层共有房间十四,左右延楼共有房三十八间。原注释:Facade of Xiang luan ge(Nanhai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海瀛台翔鸾阁东侧面,可清晰看出翔鸾阁爲盝顶式重檐二层楼。原注释:Building detail showing roof ornaments at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑南海瀛台翔鸾阁东延楼最东端的二层小阁楼。原注释:Rock garden and tower in Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海春耦斋南侧游廊,画面右侧爲听鸿楼。原注释:Interior view of covered walkway at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing painted rafters(Nanhai ). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海懐仁堂景福门外砖雕影壁。原注释:Detail of screen wall with relief work at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing landscape with a man on a boat. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海懐仁堂景福门外砖雕影壁局部。原注释:Detail of screen wall with relief work at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing a woman with a child. 

1940s,西苑中海懐仁堂景福门外砖雕影壁局部。原注释:Detail of screen wall with relief work at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing landscape with a man on a boat. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海时应宫八方龙王像之一。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing shrine figure wearing a mian liu hat(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海时应宫八方龙王像之一。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing shrine figure wearing a mian liu hat. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海时应宫配殿神像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing four shrine figures. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海时应宫配殿神像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing shrine figure(Zhonghai) [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海时应宫配殿神像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing shrine figure. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海眺望金鳌玉蝀桥冬景。原注释:Zhonghai Lake in winter with Jin'ao Yudong Qiao in the background. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海眺望琼岛白塔冬景。原注释:Zhonghai Lake in winter with Jin'ao Yudong Qiao and Bai ta on Qiong Island in the background. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海听鸿楼东侧的小石桥(今已不存),由东侧游廊向西北拍摄,正面山牆带抱厦的殿宇是春耦斋。原注释:Detail of carved marble balustrade at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing panels with mythical animals. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海听鸿楼和东侧小石桥(今已不存),由北侧游廊向西南拍摄。原注释:Shuang huan wan shou ting at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海听鸿楼小石桥汉白玉护栏雕刻。原注释:Interior view of covered walkway at Nanhai Gong Yuan showing painted rafters. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿(蕉园)内一盝顶井亭顶上的脊吻结构。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing altar with shrine figure seated on carved animal. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿。原注释:Detail of facade of a two-story building at Wan shan dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿。原注释:Southern facade of Wan shan dian showing inscribed board(ZHonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿丹墀石雕栏。原注释:Detail of stairs and marble balustrade with animal figure at Wan shan dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿佛龛,手执淨瓶的菩萨像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing right section of main altar with statues of Bodhisattva and attendants. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿佛龛。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing altar with shrine figure seated on a carved animal. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿供奉的佛像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing central section of main altar with statues of Buddha and attendants. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿供奉的佛像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing statue of Buddha(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿供奉的神像。原注释:Interior of Qian sheng dian showing detail of seven-storied wooden pagoda. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿供奉的文殊菩萨像(座骑为青狮)像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing altar with shrine figure seated on carved animal(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后面。原注释:Detail of roofs and roof ornaments at Wan shan dian and Qian sheng dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿,内供七层八面木佛塔,供有三大士及十八罗汉像。原注释:Interior of Qian sheng dian showing detail of seven-storied wooden pagoda(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿。原注释:Detail of roofs and roof ornaments at Wan shan dian and Qian sheng dian (Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿。原注释:Detail of roofs of Wan shan dian and Qian sheng dian (Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿。原注释:Wan shan dian and Qian sheng dian in the snow(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿。重檐攅尖顶穹窿,内供七级千佛塔一座,尚存慈禧太后御笔匾“福利恒沙“ 。原注释:Detail of roofs of Qian sheng dian and Wan shan dian. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿东配楼。原注释:Detail of roofs and gate at Wan shan dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿后堂千圣殿西配楼。原注释:Detail of stairs and marble balustrade with animal figure at Wan shan dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿胡人偶像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing two shrine figures. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿莲座观音菩萨像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing statue of Bodhisattva seated on a lotus throne. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison] (1)

1940s,西苑中海万善殿莲座观音菩萨像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing statue of Bodhisattva seated on a lotus throne. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison] (2)

1940s,西苑中海万善殿内佛龛。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing main altar, drums, Luohans, and side wall with cloud motif. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿内景,佛龛前五供。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing main altar, drums, Luohans, and side wall with cloud motif(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿内龙纹天花板。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing coffered ceiling panels with dragon motifs. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿内祥云壁画前供的观音菩萨像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing statues of Bodhisattva and attendants and wall with cloud motif. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿内祥云壁画前供的罗汉像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing statues of Luohans and wall with cloud motif(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿配殿室内卍字格隔段窗扉。原注释:Detail of openwork window at Wan shan dian. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿普贤菩萨像(座骑为象)。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing shrine figure with eight arms seated on a carved animal. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿普贤菩萨像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing detail of shrine figure with eight arms seated on a carved. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿石栏雕塑细节。原注释:Detail of stairs and marble balustrade with animal figure at Wan shan dian(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿庭院内香炉。原注释:Courtyard at Wan shan dian showing metal incense burner on marble pedestal (Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿万善门。原注释:Southern facade of Wan shan dian showing inscribed board(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿文殊菩萨像(座骑为青狮)。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing altar with shrine figure seated on a carved animal(Zhonghai). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿文殊菩萨像。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing detail of shrine figure seated on a carved animal. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,西苑中海万善殿藻井。原注释:Interior of Wan shan dian showing detail of dragon panel in ceiling. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,新华门南侧。原注释:South facade of Xin hua men with a stone lion at Nanhai Gong Yuan. [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1940s,新华门外侧廊下。原注释:Lotus-covered Nanhai Lake and Yingtai Island with buildings(Xin hua men). [(德)赫达·莫里循 Hedda Morrison]

1946年,西苑中海时应宫八方龙王像。原注释:The kings of the natural elements, Wan Shan Tien Temple. 选自《LIFE》摄影资料

1946年,西苑中海时应宫八方龙王像之一。原注释:The King of Yang Han Sea. 选自《LIFE》摄影资料。

1946年,西苑中海时应宫内八方龙王像之一。原注释:King of Sun and Moon, the Wan Shan Tien Temple. 选自《LIFE》摄影资料。

1946年,西苑中海时应宫内神像。原注释:Goddess of Thunder - Wan Shan Tien Temple. 选自《LIFE》摄影资料。

1946年,西苑中海万善殿内的弥勒佛像。大肚能容,所以怡然自得。原注释:The Laughing Buddah. 选自《LIFE》摄影资料。

1946年,西苑中海万善殿内祥云壁画前供奉的罗汉像。原注释:The Dragon King - Wan Ohan Temple. 选自《LIFE》摄影资料。



1946年,新华门前石狮,这时三楹大门都还是有石门墩的。1950年中华人民共和国国徽公佈,自此新华门匾(清末翰林袁励准书)移到底层檐下悬挂,国徽则悬挂在了原门匾的位置,卽顶层檐下正中。原注释:Chi Hua Men gate showing sculptured lion on pedestal. 选自《LIFE》摄影。












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