本帖最后由 穎太世澤 于 2016-4-5 02:22 编辑 . c( o" S0 P$ ^1 s9 w; D6 @
7 P! V7 V2 w1 s$ b8 B0 D/ H1 r1 n& g9 p- B# `' ^
% [- o p9 o9 Z! |9 L8 }+ }金声玉振 青铜镈钟 Chun-A well-known type of bell
" N7 o# h( y6 m. { 弗利尔和赛克勒艺术馆〈Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery〉蒐藏有一万三千八百多件的中国藏品,其中绢画、瓷器、玉器、和青铜器为大宗, 而其收藏的青铜器数量的丰富与品类之精,亦可说独步博物馆与艺林。 下面是收簒于“弗瑞尔美术馆藏中国青铜器图录.”中的一项样品, 东周晚期的镈钟。从附图中仍可看见二千年的岁月在这个青铜器上犹然散发出无比的魅力。) w- p7 F/ l0 E5 w F/ f1 M: |
Q* g8 a9 x' E9 ^
" V7 [7 z; k" O0 }4 D2 t 原文
6 }/ \' d% Q" b8 v4 v& i( q5 b" n1 B1 Q
Bell of the type Chung
! U1 S" q2 M/ G4 b6 S3 Z) VLate Chou dynasty . Height 26 1/8 in,〈.664m.〉Interior minor axis 15 3/8 in, 〈.391m.〉,Weight 138 lbs. 8 oz.' f9 [8 \3 t$ N9 B. K4 K' C' L
& H3 p+ `. V) T% } The Chun is a well-known type of which many example were casted during the late parts of Chou dynasty. It is characteristically ellipsoid in section,Approximately the upper two thirds of the surface is frequently divided into four sections each section being again divided into five registers of which the bottom, central, and top registers each contain a row of three bosses, In this case representing coiled serpents with feline heads. The other two dividing registers contain the characteristics interlaces designs of the period which also appear on each side in the central portion of the low third of the bell. There is a vertical space between the two sets of registers on either side , on which inscriptions sometimes appear , although there is none in this case.0 L: m. c. {& o3 S3 P
3 \ J* A" B; Y/ I( z- J* c
The suspending devices on this bells is composed of two crested, parrot beaked and wing-legged creatures standing breast to breast with their heads turned backward and swallowed their own tails. 5 t" n) s6 f4 G1 g8 n. s9 L) ~
The bell and all the designs thereon are cast with great clarity, and the object as a whole is of unusually fine quality.3 `6 p& V- q8 w! M* J/ @. h' V# ^
! F6 x, B5 n6 L4 Y4 H3 f, [ Three smaller bells apparently belonging to the same sets are now in collections in this country . One belongs to the Art Institute of Chicago, and two are in Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Museum of Art , Cambridge, Mass.
3 N1 a! C( E: z7 x+ W0 b: F& a9 ?6 Y& E6 a. T" d
& {! I5 s5 a; S0 r! U 翻譯
* @; Z: I! C( i8 p# u8 x7 e. j; v9 q2 d
青铜镈钟 晚周。高26- 1/8英寸,<0.664米>内部短径15- 3/8英寸,<0.391米>,重量138磅8盎司約62.8公斤。: Q1 q0 ~( I7 U
' }/ \9 G" g) M: ] T6 g 镈鐘是一著名的類型,许多樣品在周晚期曾被大量进行铸造,。 它的特征是横截面部分是椭圆形, 大约在钟面由上部往下三分之二的面积通常被分成四个区域,每个区域被再次分成五列,其下列、中列、和顶列各有三个成一组的乳釘, 乳釘的造型是一盘曲的蛇却有一张貓〈虎〉脸。其余相间的两列有着典型的交织饰文,其饰文片段也出现在钟两侧底部三分之一区域的中间部分. 在两侧于两区域之间有一个垂直分布的空间,有时有铭文刻于其上,虽然这里并没有。$ w1 H( P# s! C e. @
4 _$ K( j" T/ C 钟纽〈在钟上的悬吊装置〉是由两凤首,鹦鹉喙 和有翼与脚的生物所组成, 胸贴胸站立,而其首向后翻转,并以口吞己尾。. C0 i5 R; U1 K6 X+ O# F0 C
( N$ f, k) P. f# A
此钟与其上的图案都铸造的非常精细, 整个铸件的质量非比寻常的完美.。
( H" w" H# Y* q' m; j# L% f3 ^: }8 T5 |4 K+ d
有三个小型钟显然属于同一组,现在都收藏在这个国家〈美国〉. 其中之一收藏在芝加哥艺术学院,另二件在马萨诸塞州.剑桥市 的福格艺术博物馆的温思罗普收藏9 [, X# `2 o& d) h" x" C
# X3 r% V. L! \2 O4 O+ V d: I
* U: e x- L+ G W X6 V4 R附图0 V/ F' Q" D4 Z; {
9 m6 M- q! M9 P$ U6 h 附图为收藏于 弗利尔和赛克勒艺术馆〈Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery〉的 东周晚期 镈钟正視圖
# e5 l" O! ~* }1 U
金声玉振 青铜镈钟 Chun-A well-known type of bell
h5 j W" v/ o$ {. V" `- E0 E- \4 k
4 h V' W+ `2 q* M. K3 o5 V * B( b) s! j' ?, V# q9 l7 Y
东周晚期 镈钟俯視圖8 V! X1 o2 l! s1 x4 l3 s8 p
金声玉振 青铜镈钟 Chun-A well-known type of bell
0 _9 v; R/ V( E2 z- X
% R. Q$ W# T/ u. A% H
2 _( k# L! ?+ I0 o6 i8 I1 z
金声玉振 青铜镈钟 Chun-A well-known type of bell
! i" b+ B/ U1 ^7 }" C. X6 S) N: a
) }7 J1 y2 R$ y' e( o0 ?
, f! W& e" W) m' j! b
+ D2 ~7 U! u, P 參照
2 f# A1 l7 g' j. A" U
9 {8 S3 k6 K3 Y7 M" C另附不同时期的镈钟参照,一般制式大抵相同,差异多在钟纽
% p" E8 j% x# V2 l
* o/ P+ W$ i5 q* Q$ N: ^
$ M# r2 t- M+ Z 附图为收藏于 台北中研院史語所的 戰國 卯﹝﹞田鎛鐘拓片
' b, r$ d s: g: {* f
金声玉振 青铜镈钟 Chun-A well-known type of bell
+ l( M9 I" K& i5 g& F. X7 p
* k" |" K% P" A
' @$ q r* w9 R# g
: g+ H1 N: \ n- b" G 附图为收藏于 台北故宫的 北宋 蕤宾镈钟 格式:全高27.4公分 口径16.7×13.8公分 底径14.3公分 足径18.3公分- v6 F) l/ k6 M. i+ y
金声玉振 青铜镈钟 Chun-A well-known type of bell
9 L' e+ G! b- T2 z0 \
+ }& t7 j& f9 z6 G8 J2 d
" `1 W- N$ m; D% v6 `钟钮立雕式龙纹,颈与身的线条转折趋于装饰性,尤其龙爪上举与相向的龙爪成方铜状,显然此套钟所取的是南方的装饰趣味。敲击人(蕤宾)钟口的任何一点,所测之音皆为升F调。与(蕤宾)铭文相对应的钮部铭文「大晟」已不见。
, I# b6 p) W8 w2 F" e5 `
3 n# _ R' Q2 W8 Z' `
& |5 T, d* M# j/ T/ r, I
' {: A% P8 Q) ]* e, ^' k3 ^
, h. s' `4 Y0 b4 F( }0 @ |