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Welcome messages

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发表于 2004-3-7 19:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                Welcome to this Forum
           Hope you have a pleasant stay with us

  The Forum is for English speakers to communicate with each other and exchange views on matters of common interests.

You are kindly advised that
1. all the related laws of China and the regulations of this community must be observed;
2. no erotic material or anything that could be considered illegal is to be posted;
3. any deliberate attacks on this Forum will not be tolerated;
4. any abusive or offensive actions or attitudes towards others will not be tolerated;
5. offensive Nicks are not welcome;
6. no private messages are welcome to post in public;
7. be friendly towards others;
8. no comments on others’ English proficiencies are welcome, though you are welcome to correct any possible mistakes made by others;
9. all meaningful messages are encouraged, while original messages are especially welcome;
10. Chinese language is allowed to use in your posts, though English language is encouraged;
11. sensitive issues should be avoided;
12. please feel free to contact the Host of this Forum for any suggestions.

The above provisions are subject to change without prior notice.

[此帖子已被 圣皮埃尔的男人 在 2004-3-14 17:00:25 编辑过]


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