Vintage Picture Post card, China, Horse Drawn Cart. Wagon. Native Transport. Ethnic Life. PEKING CART as primitive now as 2000 years ago. 1 d% w3 m- u7 `+ @
 $ J0 g3 F0 z/ h$ H
& s: d7 S! E( m
4 Q3 _, n$ C/ E/ x! {$ tVintage Chinese B/W Real Photo Picture Postcard, Stone Statue - Dragon & Phoenix. Au Palais d'Ete, Im Sommerpalast, In the Summer Palace. Near Peking.
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- P5 x. S Y# z P9 j
Vintage Chinese Colour Artist Signed Art Drawn Picture Postcard, Pekin, The Chien Men Town-Gate, C. Wittke. Peking Tschien-men, Stadttor, Porte de la ville. Street Scene.
, Q7 W6 _; g. h8 c8 G& H: c, H
8 i6 f2 ~7 Y: i" P- b
Vintage Chinese Colour Art Drawn Picture Postcard, Pekin. 1898 C. Wittke. Peking, Nankao, Alte Grabmale, Monuments. Mountains, Panorama. ; t: b: i( b5 I* r9 O/ p0 |! d% R0 M- [/ C
