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发表于 2011-12-26 20:17:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  / n4 |9 N& B1 N8 i- M

      那些忘本的中国人(汉英部分)fficeffice" />

) v4 z% G) Z7 J0 E' O N0 {( B


9 h. g: v4 h" Y7 V. k5 ^


" E* l p4 \6 N* N1 M( v/ O1 f


+ I$ c$ l; C/ f! F


. }: \5 K* R+ i9 M4 }


3 A+ b/ i! Z2 H6 H

Chinese people are forgetting
   Christmas time, many people are celebrating the country this holiday. Christian and Catholic who used to be some people who know the truth about this section, then life is better, not engage in political campaigns, and over this section of the people gradually have more up. Are hearsay, there lives a little better to say that the belief of some, who are Christian and Catholic, but in the "Cultural Revolution " can not admit their belief that only people who recognize the dictatorship of the proletariat, but also join in the fun loving people In short, Christmas in China has basically formed the pattern for fast! In short, foreigners will have the holiday!
    In fact, religious beliefs and what sections are free, there is no legal provision to the provisions of this section can not be over, but we can not forget that this is the festival of foreigners, is the invasion of those countries who have had the festival, which Boxer Rebellion But this national holiday it? Now life is better to forget our roots, and it may be natural attributes!
My first time in Canada and the United States, whenever foreigners holiday, I go to bed, do not let anyone visit, but by the time Chinese New Year, I invited friends to eat drink and chat, of course, this also may be too extreme for me, But I do not want that many from the heart to not be part of the memorable things I got into my mind! I asked a lot of foreigners: Do you believe in Santa Claus and the Christian, ah well, Santa Claus is like war, ah, I want to know that Santa Claus is to play in China after eating the cake, ah, or kick down again in China Cake ah? ! They do not say this, do not know why? !
Indeed, life is good now, not only is the Christmas holiday there are many foreigners, the Chinese also been entered into the festival directory, and if we are not hurt it plans a busy, rich life, you, you wide field of vision, good ah , but we can not forget history, especially the more life is better not forget the history! I believe that most students are patriotic, that foreign good people, generally have not lived abroad, people who do not obey their parents, with little patriotic, patriotic heart will surely be the most kind-hearted people!

4 J. r* d( Z! f! K' W3 L9 Q, M


0 e: T) a- j& I! h


& }3 n8 e# q* ?" t




发表于 2011-12-27 09:03:00 | 显示全部楼层


e3 Q$ I; L4 A


( e5 t0 n% Z! h; e1 w


/ K2 i% E7 K, }! c$ l `


发表于 2011-12-27 09:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-12-27 10:12:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-26 22:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
[em64]以下是引用董瑞征在2011-12-26 21:23:00的发言:
+ ^, `1 P. x* y; z7 q( C

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-26 22:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用tgl0899在2011-12-26 21:02:00的发言:
3 U5 I/ ?% g+ ?


发表于 2011-12-26 21:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-12-26 21:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-12-27 12:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
但是实际上清明节也有三天假呢,不可能. E2 E L+ b& _0 x8 L U0 `( u2 Y( F 三天假期天天上坟吧?况且郊游本身就是传统之一。(请各农家乐做好准备)
5 |0 m! d, t8 H2 [; T5 h
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-27 12:33:12编辑过]
发表于 2011-12-27 11:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
我不喜欢过那些洋节! 吃过西餐 穿过西装 用过洋火 骑过洋车 但不过洋节!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-27 11:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用金六爷在2011-12-27 9:03:00的发言:
* W* v, [/ S0 ?8 p/ F; Y$ `


& p9 i! q% \) @1 c4 {% ^


* H |7 J* z; Z* H/ p J- m9 T- f


9 z! c% R4 j: B! u- J


$ M9 i- q% Z2 c9 h0 ?6 y


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-27 11:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用自然之子在2011-12-27 9:25:00的发言:
( M$ V3 |) P3 i( D* ?

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-27 11:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用胡同人家在2011-12-27 10:12:00的发言:
2 \/ o! m3 g E' P


5 i" n0 ?, g8 t5 a5 h$ {1 c


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-27 20:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用爱新觉罗玄烨在2011-12-27 11:31:00的发言:
我不喜欢过那些洋节! 吃过西餐 穿过西装 用过洋火 骑过洋车 但不过洋节!
8 ?' |3 `. Z; `% |. h


 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-27 20:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用enmaai在2011-12-27 12:31:00的发言:
有人说中国人除了清明节,啥节都能过成“情人节”。(请市内各大快捷酒店做准备) % M$ L: l3 e' r4 i4 P# a/ M
5 G3 R3 T9 h, X
) m# q5 K$ u% Z: i* B7 l, j
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-27 12:33:12编辑过]
* B/ S2 |$ ?1 g1 T+ N8 k/ k! K


发表于 2012-1-9 22:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用自然之子在2011-12-27 9:25:00的发言:
3 k4 X# T% e& K/ u: C* J6 }

This is a surprisingly interesting call. Can you try the best you can to explain about the true difference between the Taoism and other religions all around this physical world? I heard it somewhere before but wasn't able to get a legitmate and convincing answer to it. For the sake of my extreme curiosity, would you be kind enough to explain to me more about the TAOISM which was&is the only religion originated in the land of China, please? What if everyone in China all became Taoists? What will they do to thmselves, to the country, as well as define the whole globe and universe? Buddism has been in this country smuggled in from India for thousands of years already, what has China become today, not even mention India as a nation and a country? Maybe someone'd say Hey, maybe Taoism + Buddism = the best of China in every aspect. But still, I don't get the picture...... Please advise me! I am all ears.

/ F% L8 P' J7 K% t* b. l" x

Your instant reply is much appreciated.

( [. l; H7 i" B$ o1 @/ G

这是一个极度有趣的呼召。有关道教和全世界各地的各类宗教信仰之真正区别,您是否能尽力说明并解释一下?我以前就曾耳闻同样的说法,但没能得到一个即合理又有说服力的回答。为了我的极度好奇心,请您帮忙解释一下这唯一一个在中国本土自生自长的道教?如果全体中国人都成为道教的门生,会是怎样的结果?他们会对自己、对国家做些什么,且对世界和宇宙做何定义?佛教从印度蹒跚而来在中国已千年有余, 今日中国的现状呢,先别管太多提及今天作为一个国家的印度(两国同属四大文明古国之首)?也许(也是从别人听来的),“嘿,道教+佛教=美景如画般的中国”。可我还是没有被说服。。。敬请明示!我洗耳恭听。

6 ]* ]& i% U) K( z& o% m+ h


0 A G* e) a+ s! ?0 s" N
[此贴子已经被作者于2012-1-9 22:24:11编辑过]
发表于 2012-1-3 22:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

& f- Q- q5 }3 a; y; I; Q line-height:115%;font-family:"Arial unicode=" unicode"="" ms","sans-serif""="">I made up my mind( y1 P; O$ d( ^5 R. w2 w6 D% Y not to follow up this topic till the beginning of 2012. I firmly believe that, Z2 X. m7 K: B; V people around the world should 1st respect each other and all different4 t3 h" g( g" V; c religions whatever we believe. Christmas Day did not use to be a Western N' x( Z) c9 `; o Holiday, which was 1st originated in Asia and spread to the western' R |* Y2 |; I3 o: ]; Y countries, as well as the Buddhism that was borrowed into China when China WAS + m" X3 u- p5 a" Iopen sometimes in the past to the outside world in its history. However, my: M, }: Z3 W: a5 F understanding of this topic is that a nation without a faith is a hopeless nation.& L2 l+ `, F; K2 k5 _ What do the Chinese people nowadays truly believe? Can someone confirm that# m6 V% f, u% @3 A/ o China as a country and/or nation has something in common in terms of faith and5 j2 y! W- H. h% _ religion, based upon which China can only advance steadily and healthily not to + E+ S$ I" A2 _2 J% hrepeat the mistakes ever made by our predecessors?

+ v9 O! o, F( E7 h7 {; q' c 6 @$ G: S2 n" [- p

0 v' z7 m, z5 U: K6 f& Nline-height:115%;font-family:"Arial unicode=" unicode"="" ms","sans-serif""="">For; v7 w6 ~6 v+ x; t. m! R non-believers,  in my opinion, people can take other religions as part of their # P2 j5 Q3 f) z: Dcultures and comprehend as much as possible. There is no need to worry about3 _# ^) g7 x0 @: w( e) { these religions but think what they themselves should have as a faith for their 6 Y; f0 P; g6 H/ Q! V4 ?! H6 Mentire lives. For those “Chinese who ARE forgetting our root”,2 H8 R! }3 S9 u# q% p my question is what is our original root? What has our BEN# j9 P2 _# B4 b. o brought us through Chinese history so as for China not to become world supper . B5 b7 f2 x: @6 l* Ipower till today?  Chinese people are $ U% c/ J1 r7 o# S9 ~5 lstill searching for a way to become politically and economically strong enough. - x' h0 [0 q: |* mHowever, what7 F& C. r3 }2 _, Z8 Z is the truth that all Chinese will believe to make prosperity in China?

- _8 g5 U8 h( ?* U3 n7 ~ " Z$ O1 E+ v. j


2 F* n; J4 C: ~1 `9 c. K1 N$ I0 l1 o! i. Z8 V


j3 n; v7 i ]: {. f/ Q4 I3 b S' z% R. @3 R) `* x) q3 Q

2 P! ~& z4 r9 F6 r+ x) U Calibri;mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-fareast-font-family:宋体;mso-fareast-theme-font: ! J" T" ]9 @7 N6 ^* Eminor-fareast;mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin">中国人到今天仍在摸索寻觅着如何使自己政经强盛,但能使中国繁荣强盛的普世真理究竟为何呢?


【Chinese people are forgetting
   Christmas time, many people are celebrating the country this holiday. Christian and Catholic who used to be some people who know the truth about this section, then life is better, not engage in political campaigns, and over this section of the people gradually have more up. Are hearsay, there lives a little better to say that the belief of some, who are Christian and Catholic, but in the "Cultural Revolution " can not admit their belief that only people who recognize the dictatorship of the proletariat, but also join in the fun loving people In short, Christmas in China has basically formed the pattern for fast! In short, foreigners will have the holiday!
    In fact, religious beliefs and what sections are free, there is no legal provision to the provisions of this section can not be over, but we can not forget that this is the festival of foreigners, is the invasion of those countries who have had the festival, which Boxer Rebellion But this national holiday it? Now life is better to forget our roots, and it may be natural attributes!】

* K6 O* d6 H' }6 h- A9 [# s, `# d ; R/ F. Y& l0 f$ H ( C/ J) ]" H# U3 K9 w- d: M" E! ?' K- l8 Y h ) J/ g. L, z; ^: l8 s; i) E7 n+ ~' G* H3 {" _, A; n 4 @( H5 Z* A' X( k% u * n' e% [/ [, w0 f . C* A4 q6 A8 Y3 B5 G7 l7 Z, z7 a. x7 G# C: k n 6 {* a1 ~1 K$ c, D, K5 e' Z / C0 ]3 U, U! g1 p' O+ | * ^* p* m1 R# s9 y4 }1 M# @
[此贴子已经被作者于2012-1-3 23:26:02编辑过]
发表于 2012-2-5 16:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
I've been waiting for some reply different from mine. 耐心等待不同的声音。。。。。Little lamb or others?
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