/ n4 |9 N& B1 N8 i- M 那些忘本的中国人(汉英部分)ffice ffice" />
) v4 z% G) Z7 J0 E' O N0 {( B圣诞节到来的时候,全国不少人都在欢度这个节日。过去是基督教和天主教人还有一些不明真相的人过这个节,后来生活好了,不搞政治运动了,过这个节的人逐步也多了起来。有道听途说的,有生活好了说该有点儿信仰了的人,有基督教人和天主教人但在“文革”时期不敢承认自己的信仰说只承认无产阶级专政的人,也有爱凑热闹的人,总之,圣诞节在我国基本快形成了模式了!一句话,洋人的节日就要过! 9 h. g: v4 h" Y7 V. k5 ^
其实宗教信仰和过什么节都是自由的,也没有法律条文来规定这个节不能过,但我们不能忘记,这只是外国人的节日,是曾经侵华的那些国家人过的节日,八国联军哪个国家不过这个节日呢?现在生活好了,就忘本了,也可能是自然属性! " E* l p4 \6 N* N1 M( v/ O1 f
我最早在加拿大和美国的时候,每当洋人节日,我就睡觉,也不让任何人来访,而到中国春节的时候,我就请朋友们吃饭喝酒聊天,当然这也可能太偏激了,但我从心里就不愿意那些许多本不应该属于我值得纪念的东西钻进我的脑海!我曾经问过不少的外国人:你们信仰圣诞老人和基督教,很好啊,圣诞老人是否很喜欢战争啊,我想知道当时圣诞老人是想吃完蛋糕去打中国啊,还是打完中国再吃蛋糕啊?!这个问题他们都不说,不知道什么原因?! + I$ c$ l; C/ f! F
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3 A+ b/ i! Z2 H6 HChinese people are forgetting Christmas time, many people are celebrating the country this holiday. Christian and Catholic who used to be some people who know the truth about this section, then life is better, not engage in political campaigns, and over this section of the people gradually have more up. Are hearsay, there lives a little better to say that the belief of some, who are Christian and Catholic, but in the "Cultural Revolution " can not admit their belief that only people who recognize the dictatorship of the proletariat, but also join in the fun loving people In short, Christmas in China has basically formed the pattern for fast! In short, foreigners will have the holiday! In fact, religious beliefs and what sections are free, there is no legal provision to the provisions of this section can not be over, but we can not forget that this is the festival of foreigners, is the invasion of those countries who have had the festival, which Boxer Rebellion But this national holiday it? Now life is better to forget our roots, and it may be natural attributes! My first time in Canada and the United States, whenever foreigners holiday, I go to bed, do not let anyone visit, but by the time Chinese New Year, I invited friends to eat drink and chat, of course, this also may be too extreme for me, But I do not want that many from the heart to not be part of the memorable things I got into my mind! I asked a lot of foreigners: Do you believe in Santa Claus and the Christian, ah well, Santa Claus is like war, ah, I want to know that Santa Claus is to play in China after eating the cake, ah, or kick down again in China Cake ah? ! They do not say this, do not know why? ! Indeed, life is good now, not only is the Christmas holiday there are many foreigners, the Chinese also been entered into the festival directory, and if we are not hurt it plans a busy, rich life, you, you wide field of vision, good ah , but we can not forget history, especially the more life is better not forget the history! I believe that most students are patriotic, that foreign good people, generally have not lived abroad, people who do not obey their parents, with little patriotic, patriotic heart will surely be the most kind-hearted people! 4 J. r* d( Z! f! K' W3 L9 Q, M
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