本帖最后由 穎太世澤 于 2016-4-21 04:32 编辑 # l' Z* a0 v1 M, v7 j
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Amazing Photos Show What Happens When An Eagle Fights A Cobra 精彩的照片显示当鹰和眼镜蛇战斗的一幕' @& J2 [5 t: C8 X& {' B8 u
8 l6 y5 K+ u- ]" g
}3 V+ Y y, r6 x; C
鹰与蛇之战斗 An Eagle Fights A Cobra
8 c, |; P4 r# a3 Q1 W( c- _8 J It’s one of nature’s fiercest battles; soaring eagle v slithering snake. 这是一场大自然的凶猛之战斗; 翱翔的雄鹰v滑行的蛇。' j! V: R- S3 ]& `: s: I
8 J& Z6 ^1 v6 A0 [ And it ended in a score draw. 结果它以平手收场。6 ]( \; P4 d+ x z0 U! ~6 d4 E; d
1 O6 X) J/ s3 B/ O3 y
These stunning photos show a fight between an eagle and a cobra 这些令人惊叹的照片显示一只老鹰与眼镜蛇之间的斗争。# \, h Z4 ?- B0 N2 ?' n, e# n& N
! y% C1 `# G: d7 I2 j4 ]; w
The pair were captured on camera in a field outside Bangalore, India by amateur photographer Vikram Ramesh. 两者被业余摄影师「维克拉姆.拉梅」在印度 班加罗尔之外一处场地用相机所捕捉下来。
4 p# I$ b/ }5 A4 N5 |4 f. q; t
) Z; W2 C8 o- e& } The eagle looked like the early favourite, diving in to get its talons on the cobra, but the snake reared up and leapt at the bird. 老鹰看起来像初占上风,俯冲下来用鹰爪攫取眼镜蛇,但蛇昂立起来并升腾向鹰。
- d1 C) ^2 b$ _+ j9 _, W: V9 M* H' I J
1 n" j* q" f/ C2 O Z5 ]( a
鹰与蛇之战斗 An Eagle Fights A Cobra
1 z @' g+ L6 {3 C$ i3 k: M
The eagle managed to avoid the snake’s fangs and the two tussled for more than ten minutes. 老鹰极力避免蛇的毒牙,接着两个羽鳞怒张的对峙了十余分钟。1 h, R# m/ h5 w3 q. W0 `
- e' v' L0 k2 k: j) a7 Z% d
In the end, the frustrated eagle gave up the fight and flew off. 最终,沮丧的鹰放弃了战斗,飞走了。
5 e$ l. b+ ]+ g
% w& R1 U! @* y$ F Mr Ramesh said: “It was great to see the eagle swoop down on its prey, it was so quick and graceful, but deadly at the sametime. 拉梅什说:“这太棒了 能看到老鹰俯冲下来捕捉猎物,它是如此快速和优美,但致命杀机隐于瞬间。 ; C; W: C# E4 b2 w! E/ ^& X" r
3 g( Y5 s3 U6 C* B1 H7 p+ Y% o& T3 u
“I thought that it would be over really quickly, but the cobra put up a stiff fight and the two of them were countering each other for at least ten minutes. “我想这战斗过的真很快,但眼镜蛇摆出了一个僵硬的战斗形式,且两者互相对峙了至少10分钟。& F( l; r4 z3 }4 ]8 B3 D! u. Q
$ O2 W9 l. F) _; R; R8 _# ^0 K
“I think the eagle, despite its reputation, realised after a while that it probably wasn’t going to be making a meal out of this particular snake and fluttered off to find easier pickings. “我认为老鹰,不顾它的美誉,在经过一阵子后而料想它可能是不会从这条特殊的蛇做为一顿餐后, 振翅而去寻找更容易下手的。
' U. G% N+ C/ N- C9 v# }3 x! z! F1 R& @- c+ c7 j
“The snake was certainly very lucky that day.” “那条蛇那一天肯定是非常幸运的。”
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- k0 i# V5 z+ p/ H, {2 l2 @% w
- M- y# ^: T4 J& ^& q; ?( e2 c (Pictures: Caters) (图片:Caters) : f4 p, _0 B( _' |5 g2 n4 p
a0 g" X- O- ]2 }1 B3 W: x" a; r6 Y/ P( Y# h, F, |
/ g& a- c& A. @# \1 w: ? ~; q
7 y7 I" \& N& L6 L |