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发表于 2007-9-12 03:46:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear all,

This forum is truly an exciting place and opportunity for our Chinese who are interested in learning and sharing one or more foreign languages. Whatever subject posted here should start with some interesting questions (even in Chinese about foreign language studies) for others to follow. I do not think this forum is some where someone should post his or her articles or advertisement for people to read or evaluate. This should've been a place like "English Corners" every where 25 years ago on college campus, foreign languages book stories and public parks in Chinese cities.


1. What are we spending so much time here for?

2.What do I truly want from this forum?

3.What do I have on my mind awaiting some authentic answers from the perticipants?

4.What do I need in terms of language study from here if ......... (I am looking for a job.....I am going overseas and further my education.....I have questions on my English study......  I have questions about US educational system......  I want to meet more friends, what types?  ..........so on and so forth.

5. What informstion did I actually learn or get from this forum. Has s/he been helpful and friendly to me?

Those are questions I used to have, to name only a few.  Please advise!!



发表于 2007-11-21 11:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-22 20:25:00 | 显示全部楼层

I think there is no need to set up rules for what to talk in this forum, except ads and nonsense. We need native speakers (who seems may not knowing how to log in), we need who loves English or any other languages, we need who need to learn whatever they want here... What does this forum need? Customers! Whast does this forum lack to get customers? Not many people speak English? No, it's the forum keeper have nothing to sale. No one bring on any topic or question, no one reply any topic or answer any question. But this responsibility is not just for the forum keeper. Anyone who loves this BBS and speaks English could take a part of it. So let's break the silence and start to talk! Whatever we like

Let me try to answer first three of your questions:
1. I come here often 'coz I love my city!
2. Turly want? Well, I think I'm not here to better my English, haha.
3. I wonder if we could put some English articles which are published as books here with writers name, book's name and what so ever.  Is that legal?

And I think since there are many who do not speak English, who "think" their English is not good, who think they are writing something others do not understand or may make other misunderstand (such as me), I suggest we translate what we say into Chinese whenever possible. ) P- [; S) G( U4 y5 |6 ]7 ?


1. 经常来这里是因为我爱自己的城市啊
2. 真正想要什么?恩,反正不是想在这里提高英语,哈哈
3. 我有个问题是,我们能不能在这里发表其他人出版的文章,写明作者和出处?这样合法吗?


 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-27 14:37:00 | 显示全部楼层


1.I'm so glad to see some response upon 3 months.

2.Please allow me to clarify my point here for what I said the very 1st time I was here at the forum(I'll have Chinese translation bellow). When I was 1st time here, I did not see or find active conversations among people, so I started some questions I had at the time hoping some people could follow up and began talking, then more and new questions would pop out, and more people'd join in, nothing else.

3.I was by no means unfriendly to anyone. Maybe there were some misunterstandings. Questions I raised were actually for myself about the forum. My point was to animate the FOREIGN LANGUAGES forum itself through getting feedback and starting more conversations. If I did offend someone here, Please accept my apology. I am a Beijing native myself who was born and grew up in this beautiful city. I do hope that we can share our common ideas about English study.

4.I am very grateful to Ying2Huo3 about porper Chinese translation from English, maybe for other languages,too.

Thank you.



2.请允许我对三个月前第一次来访所说的话进行一下澄清.我第一次来访时,没有看到或发现参加者之间有活跃对话气氛, 所以我把当时自己的几个小问题提出来,希望看到的人能跟帖并开始交谈. 这样,更多更新的问题就会跳出.也就会有更多的人加入对话, 仅此而已.

3.我个人绝没有对任何人不友好之意. 也许会有一些误会. 有关论坛我所提出的问题都是为我自己提的. 问题的关键是在于通过得到同仁的反馈和进行会话,从而达到活跃论坛气氛.如果我真的让人不高兴了, 请接受我的歉意.我自己也是一个在北京生长的老北京人,只是真诚希望大家能通过论坛分享英语学习的心得.




该论坛真是个令人兴奋的地方,而且为我们对外语学习和分享提供了机会. 在此刊登的无论是什么主题,应相应提出一些有趣的问题(甚至是以中文提出,只要是有关外语学习的).这样便于其他同仁跟帖. 我不认为该论坛只是一个刊登文章或广告供人阅读和评价的地方. 它本该是一个类似25年前在城市各大学校园,外文书店和公园里的"英语会话墙角"(例如当时的皇府井外文书店,紫竹院公园等).




3.在等待坛友真实的答案时, 我自己在想什么(我自己想说点什么)?

4.就外语学习而言,我从该论坛需要什么,假如.......(如:我正在寻找工作.....我要出国留学进修...... 我对美国教育系统有问题......我想认识更多的朋友,什么样的朋友....


5.我要从该论坛获取或得到什么信息? 他/她对我是否有帮助, 是否友好?

以上是我过去常想的问题, 只举几个而已.请赐教.

 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-29 03:03:00 | 显示全部楼层

Dear all,

There are some participants suggusting we go to some other forums in other countries. I wonder why? This is on earth the right place for us,isn't it? I was trying to bring up topics, here is another one for anyone to join in and discuss about:

Memories of 1980s

In the mid-1980s when I 1st picked up English as my foreign language,there was something new going on very quietly in the puplic. I remember at the time we did not have as much language environment,audio-visual equipment as today.Therefore, people began to get together automatically for a brand-new creation called "English Corners" starting from college campus, then to the public parties and Foreign Languages Book Store in Wang2Fu2Jing3 Street.

 The opening ceremony in Purple Bamboo Party on one Sunday in the Summer was an everlasting experience I had ever had in my life. The most outstanding figures in foreign language education at the time like Chen Lin and Zhang,Daozhen were present with speeches being delivered and their college students of English who were trying the best to guide people in small groups with questions and anwsers. People truly enjoyed the harmony and friendship with faces and smells. English as a Foreign Language was flowing so naturally among groups with the help of the college students ,and even foreigners who were attracted from all over.The pleasant picture was still like yesterday.

Nowadays, we have internet, English textbooks of many different kinds and all types of movies in native languages, How come that we can't build up a channel to take advantage and talk on the net, even though we can't see each others'smelling faces? Let's go for it. Please follow up and leave your messages if you like the way I am doing right now.


1.What did the people have on their minds every Sunday when they rushed to the parks?

2.Why did they spend so much time over there?

3.Were they kind and friendly to each other?

4.Are "English Corners" still existant today?  

Let's have the word FORUM truly mean by that.














 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-2 04:12:00 | 显示全部楼层

Ok, let's change to another topic:

He is taller than I - OR - He is taller than me ??????????? 

To my understanding, the correct statement is "He is taller than I", meaning "He is taller than I am (tall)". But I always hear it and see it written as "He is taller than "me" rather than "I".But why?

Can someone give me an answer???

Thanks ahead of time.


"He is taller than I" 和 "He is taller than me"两个句子哪一个是正确的?

据我理解而言,"He is taller than I  "的说法是正确的.意思等于 "He is taller than I am (tall) ". 但是我总是听到和看到这句变成"He is taller than me  "而不是"He is taller than I ".可是为什么呢?



发表于 2007-12-2 11:13:00 | 显示全部楼层

In the mid-80s, I am still in primary school! I believe it is in grade three taht I started to learn English. When I was in high school, I went to an English corner once, well, I don’t feel like it. Not the kind of talking to strangers then.

I guess in your time, English corner is a big deal for people who want to learn English. But in the 1990s, English is a “must” in schools and exams. And then computers, books, internet, we have so many resources to use, so, things change.

English-corner people just like the other groups of people. People join groups because they truly love something or they have strong wish towards something, gather around for something they share. Such as our photograph group. Why are we gathering every weekend? Spend most of it in Hutongs? How do we treat each other? I think the answer is over there.

Does English corner still exist? I think so, in many ways. And I know one which could be an upgrade English corner in some way. Founded by an Englishman, a worldwide organization, called Toastmaster Club. They are not just bunch of people gather together to speak English, they have program to help people “improve the communication and leadership skills”, there are volunteers keep the club running, and they are just using English as their language. I’ve been there with them several times, the group is just as wonderful as the photograph team.




         现在还有没有英语角?我觉得有,也许形式和以前的不一样了。我知道一个英语俱乐部,感觉有点像升级版的英语角,很多很多年前一个英国人建立的国际非营利组织,ToastMaster Club

Toastmaster的网站:  http://www.toastmasters.org/

. r- u, m- l5 ^
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-2 11:14:44编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-2 14:18:00 | 显示全部楼层

Thanks, YingHuo, for sharing your story.

You are absolutely right that not everyone likes the "Corner". My emphsis today is the novelty at the time when people started English but had no place to voice it out for the lack of language environment and good guidence.Therefore, to lots of people, that day at Purple Banboo Park was like a blast that pured down Spring rain for the thirsty field, when the most outstanding figures at present and Americans later from their embassy showed up, in particular. So, more and more people got together every Sunday. Many of us have been good friends for years, and as always.

Nowadays, I AM still happy to hear that the Corners has been much advanced with programs of all different kind going on and on.

To tell you the truth , I felt like talking at that time to someone so much but failed to find the place that I went home talking to myself in the mirror with different tones pretending there were 2 people around. Funny,wasn't it? However, it wasn't fiction.

荧火, 首先谢谢你的故事分享.

你说得很对,是有很多人不大喜欢"会话墙角".其实我在今天重提老话,重点是强调在当时人们开始学习英语,由于缺乏语言环境和适当的指导,人们没有地方能练习英语,所以对很多人来说, 紫竹园那天的开幕式让大家打开了表达的闸门.特别是那些重量级人物的到场和后来美国大使馆人员的不断光顾.使得每个周日参加进来的人员越聚越多. 我们当中的很多人从那天相识都成为多年好朋友,而且一如既往.

今天"墙角"是鸟枪换炮了, 还不断加进那么多的各类不同的新节目,听起来仍让人兴奋.

说句实话,想当年,我实在想找人侃侃英语,可就是找不对地方.只好回家,自己面对着镜子跟自己用两种声调换对话, 就象似有两个人在场一样.让人见笑了. 可是这些都是事实啊.

发表于 2007-12-18 01:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

Was that story too far from us? I am even younger than 7 floor by then. Can we change some topics here?



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