I absolutely agree with 11th floor that everyone needs nothing but practice. Practice makes perfect, intead of talking about the PROBLEM for years. and it's still problomatic today anyway, isn't it? Vocabulary forms up language statement which means something that delivers your meaning/ideas, meanwhile, to accumulate your vocabulary and experience as well. The levels of vocabulary here in China are more written(formal) than oral(casual) because of the test of different level itself. It's hard to be conversational. Moreover, conversation requires environment where people meet and share ideas, the problem comes in a non-native English speaking country like China. & U" r- T6 _2 G' \
Alien.... to most Americans, it talks about something strange, far away from human being.
' g w7 B8 M @4 T1 mAccumulate v...... become more or bigger - v$ ?8 P) ^! B) R4 T" W) a) D
It snowed last night but there was no accumulation.
4 [$ N3 ]* p! [4 u, {9 w- x 3 @% B3 x. p4 \/ ~) ]
Lawyer..... a very general term but attorney is someone you need help for a court case, very important and serious person. It really does not matter much if you call someone a lawyer or an attorney in the US. Americans are mostly very casual and direct.
2 d: r$ \0 V8 [* t n! P0 e " T* b" H, s$ g, p4 p" k }- [
adore ...... as a verb used mostly in written language, however, adorable is very flexible in both, like the word "cute". 5 H. b+ e3 \9 m1 w& {8 ^ B
J* ^0 G$ {0 z: `7 q
Agreeable......lovely & `9 U) B; D G% ~4 f s( m$ [
, d. [7 v+ T- H9 f
appreciate.........1)be grateful, thankful to ! t I! D- m5 l) ]1 ^* x
% a3 d- c* ^2 p; z! {) BI appreciate your supportive effort in this morning's lecture.
8 `3 D3 @' F9 _3 F 2) realize, get to know
& e6 i' X }* KI truly appreciate your poor working condition but I can't do anything right now.
+ V# m! y. F, O' j: \7 H+ O3 \........ to name only a few.
$ G/ n6 [- |2 n3 o7 ?/ t0 V
; [3 A) q; Y) H0 {Anyway, why don't we talk in English by using those words more often in some statements so that we get more comfortable with them at all? ( a% G h& Z" i; @- N6 W* t
$ q) c* l: d0 t3 HOnly a suggustion. I once opened up so many topics with some questions to begin with....... Can somwone do the same to anyone here, in English?? Then we will learn from each other. ' \: k& R% ~. D5 J1 ]% G( v