老北京网2008年上半年唯一考察活动 北京市非物质文化遗产考察活动——京西古幡会 即刻起接受预报名 正式报名时间:1月16日 京西古幡会介绍 京西古幡会主要指的是北京门头沟区的庄户村和千军台每年的正月十五到十六两村之间的联谊活动。两村的古幡会原名天人吉祥圣会,又称天仙会,据说是明代嘉靖年间从山西请来的,本名朝顶进香会,幡会已经传到十七代人,距今已经有四百多年的历史。我们现在看到的是两村轮流主客的走会形式,走会期间鼓乐齐奏,幡旗高擎,幡队按者一定的顺序行进。其中,古幡乐会班的音乐据今也有百年的历史,目前已经被评为北京市非物质文化遗产。随着时间的推移,历史上的幡会正在发生变化,从地理变化到人居环境的变化,原住居民正在减少,参会的人数逐年减少,目前村中幡会的组织者均在60以上,所以每年一度的古幡会更显得弥足珍贵。 
活动时间: 2月20-22日(正月十四、十五、十六),共3天住2晚 名额:待定,因庄户村正在做接待能力摸底调查,故在正式公告中确认,估计不会太多。 活动地点:门头沟区庄户村、千军台村 由于此次是庄户村第一次接待考察人员,各方面条件不是很理想,生活条件比较艰苦,所有考察人员吃住均在村里,请大家自行携带个人卫生用品。往年春节平均气温比城区低4-5度,请大家注意保暖。 如正月十三日前后下雪封路,本考察活动取消,请大家随时关注论坛公告。 本次考察活动因山路较多请参与人员尽量不要开车前往,有公共汽车直达村里。 乘车方式: 苹果园地铁下车。西侧路北150米乘坐929路公共汽车(苹果园-千军台)发车时间10:35,12:40,1:35,2:45 票价6元,刷卡4.8元,车程90分钟,庄户村站下车即到队部 日程安排:
正月十四 12:00-16:00 庄户村队部集合,分配房间。 18:00 晚餐 19:30 村东口三圣庙集合考察请神仪式及乐班活动 24:00 休息 正月十五 7:00 早饭 9:00 村东口三圣庙集合考察挂幡和各档表演,古幡回队部 11:30 午餐 14:00 队部集合起会、接会、拨会、走会、送会,由庄户至千军台 19:30 晚餐后休息 正月十六 7:00 早饭 9:00 拍摄庄户村村落遗址 11:30 午饭 13:00 千军台集合,起会、接会、拨会、走会、送会,由千军台至庄户 16:00 活动结束返程 返程时间:16:00-17:00 共3趟929路车,所以尽量赶早上车。 餐标: 早餐:粥、咸菜、馒头、豆包、鸡蛋等 正餐(早、晚):八菜一汤,四荤四素,酒水:牛2,啤酒、可乐雪碧等,主食:米饭、馒头或水饺等 住宿:村民家,无土炕,可能有点冷,无卫生洁具,无法洗澡 费用:每人不高于410元(以正式公告为准),含6餐2晚,工交车费及个人保险自理 建议,由于古幡会画面丰富,请带足电池及存储卡。
Pre-registration for Investigation of Gu Fan Hui in west suburb of Beijing Series Investigations on Intangible Cultural Heritage hold by Old Beijing.net This announcement is for pre-registration for investigation of Gu Fan Hui in west suburb of Beijing to get approximate number of attendees, also this pre-registration will guarantee priority of the attendance since it is still not confirmed on how many visitors the village could afford. The final number will be published in the final announcement on BBS which the date will be Jan. 16th 2008. This investigation will be cancelled if there is snow around Jan.13th since the road will be blocked then. Please pay attention to the announcement on the BBS. Introduction of Gu Fan Hui This is the traditional activity indicates the end of the Spring Festival in the West Area of Beijing, it is coming down 400 years with 17 generations, and has not changed much. It only happens in the 15th - 16th day of the first month of Chinese Lunar Year (正月十五到十六). For now the organizers of this activity are mostly in their 60s, although being assessed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Beijing (北京非物质文化遗产), this tradition is slowly fading away. The Gu Fan Hui contains Parade with Fan (long flag hanging on a pole which hold by man) and music. The music from the band also has a history more than hundred years. Location: Mentougou District Village Zhuanghu and Village Qianjuntai This is the first time for village Zhuanghu having group visitors, and it has no facility for hosting tourists. We will stays at villagers' home where the living conditions are limited from all aspects (no bathroom, no shop, no central heating...).Temperature at that time will be 4-5 degrees lower than in the city. You will need to bring you own sanitary supplies and winter wear. Could be very cold in the nights and please bring enough battery and tapes for you camera. Transportation: The only way recommended is the bus which reaches Village Zhuanghu. It is too risky to drive by yourself on the mountain road. Bus info: 1. Get off at Subway station Pingguoyuan. 2. Take bus 929, get off at Zhuanghu Cun (Village Zhuanghu) Start out time: 10:35, 12:40 and 14:45 Ticket price: RMB 6.0 (RMB 4.8 if using the IC card) Takes about 90 minutes for the ride. Cost: Less than RMB 410 for the accommodation and meals (will be finalized in the final announcement), bus and incurrence cost are on your own. Schedule: Feb.20th – 22nd, three days with two nights. Feb. 20th& [5 r" F. Q) J% h# p; b: j
12:00-16:00 Gather at Duibu of Village Zhuanghu, allocate accommodation in the village 18:00 Dinner 19:30 Gather at Sansheng (three saints) Temple at east of the Village Zhuanghu, investigation on God Pageant Ceremony and activities of the music band Feb. 21st 7:00 Breakfast 9:00 Gather at Sansheng Temple at east of the Village Zhuanghu, investigation on hanging Fan (long narrow flag) and performance 11:30 Lunch 14:00 Gather at Duib, follow the whole process of Gu Fan Hui from Village Zhuanghu to Village Qianjuntai 19:30 Dinner (at?) Feb. 22nd 7:00 Breakfast (at?) 9:00 Shooting on historical site of Village Zhuanghu (at?) 11:30 Lunch (at?) 13:00 Gather at Village Qianjunta, follow the whole process of Gu Fan Hui from Village Qianjuntai to Village Zhuanghu 16:00 Return to the city ! T2 k% b! F' x- S5 Y- ^
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-8 20:58:08编辑过] |