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发表于 2009-5-4 20:49:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 20:56:00 | 显示全部楼层

China Old Postcard CAMEL BRIDGE, Summer Palace, Peiping

c.1930 Vintage Chinese Colour Picture Postcard, The Camel Bridge of The Summer Palace, Peking. Pekin Peiping. Republic of China period. 北平萬壽山鑼鍋橋 中華民國郵政明信片.

1 u1 X: M# @8 u8 {

" f5 {/ S% e, p \( [


0 Z# r0 \3 Q; D" @+ M2 V2 e$ s

Vintage Chinese Colour Picture Post card. Ethnic Life. Buffaloes Buffalo Drawn Cart in water, crossing the river. Peking Pekin. Animals. Native Transport. Sunset. Sailing Boat.

1 ?3 p" v' q2 K


" R; L y: n. I% w

Vintage Chinese Real Photograph card, Mausoleum One of The Ming Dynasty Tombs. Xuande Emperor. Mountains. Steps. Entrance Gate. 北京十三陵之 景陵 朱瞻基 宣德 宣宗 章皇帝 1425-1435 仁宗長子 37 孫氏 北京昌平區天壽山黑山下.

% M1 E# y8 C! g1 D; i, c6 A* ?


! }+ B4 D* X6 s2 z( \, x

Vintage Chinese Real Photo Picture Post Card, Chine Pekin, Peking Summer Palace. Pagoda, Mountains. Lake. Boat. Houseboat. 北京萬壽山.

9 q: u% \8 S( c


) a5 |3 B$ n1 R2 O6 m; e

Vintage Chinese Colour picture post card, Qing Dynasty. ETHNIC LIFE. Gates. Native Animal Transport. Horse Donkey Drawn Carts Wagons. Street in Pekin.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 21:02:00 | 显示全部楼层

Vintage Colour Chinese Picture Postcard, Men in Qing Dynasty Costumes. Third 3rd Class Train to Peking. Railway. Ethnic Life. Native Transport.

! S) d7 F( T- W% L3 a# _2 M

* c9 D8 G: z+ h4 t( \" Z9 B, J7 P


' y8 g! ~* }, Z/ F; x+ S/ a; g

Vintage Colour picture post card, Chinese Ethnic Life. Street Vendors. Pekin. Native Sellers. Merchants. Stalls.

1 n$ f) Y& \! ?9 p

4 r3 v4 B* Y( f% B: f8 P5 V5 O


5 F- g' ^* L0 a% Z# B% U, m


+ L7 N2 e6 U5 s3 L

Vintage Old Chinese Colour Multiview Picture Post card. Ming Tomb. Ming Tombs. Elephants & Camels Statues. Pekin. Peking. Sunset. 1/12/24.

. q+ m6 Y% N6 u3 R; ^ Y' i. {

Vintage Chinese Postcard. Peking, Tai Ho Mon Gate, The last and the grandest gate from the entrance of Imperial Palace Forbidden City, Facing North, Bronze Lion Statues. (Public Library Haverhill, Mass.) 太和門.

0 m A8 i* ? T* u% x7 v' Y

4 G0 l0 l+ A6 Q' J


 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 21:06:00 | 显示全部楼层

Vintage Colour Undivided Back Picture Postcard, Chinese Peking, KETTLER MONUMENT. Street Scene. Gate. Sunset.

8 F m, Q6 ^+ B: ~) y- O! b' l% m: A

8 G3 {; e7 E$ Z0 ] f6 a


6 z$ G- X9 e! h

Vintage Chinese Postcard. Pekin Peking, Preserved in the Imperial Palace Museum, Forbidden City. China Ancient Building built in 1420. Hung Yi Ge. 弘義閣.

+ p# M4 f" @; k* Z

Background: 弘義閣始建于明永樂十八年(1420年),明初稱武樓,嘉靖時稱武成閣,清初改稱弘義閣。清代為內務府銀庫,收存金、銀、制錢、珠寶、玉器、金銀器皿等。皇帝皇后筵宴所用金銀器皿由銀庫預備,用畢仍交該庫收存

& c7 ^# q4 Z6 b2 l' R9 m# d

7 x# N! e* N0 |2 F" a


5 x! I; h$ T' x0 _, W


2 R! q5 n: ?* S/ m

Vintage Colour Chinese picture post card, Lion Statues, Pillars, Columns, Ming Tombs near Peking. Panorama. 明陵華表.

6 U# V5 ^% T- e4 W7 p8 ^

, c0 J+ U9 c+ T# k8 ]


, e) i! U: u" w5 j) u4 z6 O' I

Vintage Chinese Real Photo Photograph Picture Postcard, Summer Palace, The Brass Lion Statues of Pai Yuen Tien. Lions. Peking. 銅獅.

发表于 2009-5-4 21:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-4 22:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-4 22:15:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-5-4 22:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用晨曲在2009-5-4 22:05:00的发言:
7 t: G j- e+ `% r0 d8 e; ~+ _) Z3 w


 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:51:00 | 显示全部楼层

Vintage B/W Real Photo Picture Post Card. The Temple of Echo Pekin. Rickshaws and Coolies.

3 T, U% F' Z; W; N2 ^, W


5 c; c5 _( [7 n' ^& u, W2 G

1946 Early Colour Postcard. Bronze Pavillon, Summer Palace, Peking. Beijing.

* v" o- i9 ^" `+ r0 Z) W8 j) I& {


* D. ~# d7 M3 m2 x0 D8 H& u

Early Chinese B/W Real Photo Card. Summer Palace Peking. Peiping. 北平萬壽山十七孔橋.

$ g9 _/ A& X6 N" c


; I% w1 ~( ?& f3 z) ]8 f3 ]


h1 \# R* |5 j+ M$ z

Early Colour Multiview Picture Post Card, The Court of the Pagoda, Canton, Lion Statue. Imperial Temple of Pekin Peking.

6 k% m3 [3 I% Q6 f

Publisher: J. I. Austen Co. 1909

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
Early Chinese Colour Hand Tinted Picture Postcard, A Pagoda, Peking. Fields. + M9 `; F; y4 ?3 M( b' g2 x" A

Publisher: C. T. American Art / Camera Craft Co. Peking China

4 c$ t2 z9 G, B8 P% {( f

+ U- W' s9 q! r" ]


5 V! T4 B: G; A6 u+ `) J

Undivided Back c.1900 Early black and white Chinese picture post card, S. Yamamoto, Peking. Birds Ducks on Lake / River.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:37:00 | 显示全部楼层

Vintage Picture Post card, China, Horse Drawn Cart. Wagon. Native Transport. Ethnic Life. PEKING CART as primitive now as 2000 years ago.

6 l" m# g0 E6 H/ ]

( }! S- J, n7 f# ?2 ]* T/ W. g


8 f, R7 k# P' Z- \ X' L, {1 y


9 T/ h+ F; _" x i! R+ Y7 c

Vintage Chinese B/W Real Photo Picture Postcard, Stone Statue - Dragon & Phoenix. Au Palais d'Ete, Im Sommerpalast, In the Summer Palace. Near Peking.

6 z9 G' \ b8 j) ~- r3 c# @# q

: D- j3 K' V9 d6 d

Vintage Chinese Colour Artist Signed Art Drawn Picture Postcard, Pekin, The Chien Men Town-Gate, C. Wittke. Peking Tschien-men, Stadttor, Porte de la ville. Street Scene.

7 K, t( w, c F% k


5 S; v# ^6 x" B. d' n

Vintage Chinese Colour Art Drawn Picture Postcard, Pekin. 1898 C. Wittke. Peking, Nankao, Alte Grabmale, Monuments. Mountains, Panorama.

1 {7 d7 ?3 o# {3 x) m5 [- t% _

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:27:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:31:00 | 显示全部楼层

Vintage Chinese Real Photo Photograph Picture Postcard, Tibetan Yonghe LAMA TEMPLE. West Gate & Street Scene. 雍和宮 十地圓通.

3 B, F- c7 B. e- M' d

, l7 \# o* z2 a& A" \$ h1 W( _


7 `$ s8 o; z1 d5 c0 O j, o


9 F6 h7 ^& |" \# X( m6 ^% R: h

Vintage Chinese Real Photo Photograph Picture Postcard, Temple of Heaven, Peking. Peiping. Ancestral Temple. Mei Li Studio. Nan Chin Tze Peiping China. Agfa Tropex Paper. 北平美麗照相館 中國北京天壇.

6 P, q( Y q) t! y8 I6 L

& @& G) Z$ ]5 T% o8 y

Vintage Chinese Real Photo Photograph Picture Postcard, Temple of Heaven, Peking. Peiping. Entrance of New Year Hall. Mei Li Studio. Nan Chin Tze Peiping China. Agfa Tropex Paper. 北平美麗照相館 中國北京天壇.

# W2 ?+ y3 @, u/ p# W3 c

0 Y, u2 o9 }# H" K


; p. i9 F* b8 I* x: ~

Vintage Real Photo Photographic Picture Post card. Qing Dynasty Chinese Street Scene, Ethnic Life. Native Coolie & Rickshaw. Pekin. Peking. Donkey, Horse Rider. Entrance Gate. Pawn Shop. Inn. Coal. 當鋪 仁丹 煤油煙捲發莊 源豐棧洋行.

5 L3 I- b% K6 g: A

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:46:00 | 显示全部楼层

Early Chinese Colour Picture Postcard, Steps, Dragon & Pheonix Birds Statue. Summer-Palace, Peking. 北京萬壽山

2 a2 \/ A( H1 e# A9 Y h

8 J/ x k8 P1 [. {


# F. L" ]* l. I5 m% {0 ]: Y5 @

Vintage Chinese Colour Picture Post Card. Horse Drawn Cart, A Public Well, Pekin.

* P6 y4 d4 ~- {" ~) D6 p


9 E5 l# k( K1 d3 M( N9 T

Vintage Chinese Picture Postcard, Pekin, A Buddhist Temple in Peking

; B8 y: u' F' K

|5 r9 H$ b* D0 R K1 E! t


4 |3 y1 |; ~4 s

Vintage Chinese B/W Picture Post Card, Qing / Ching Dynasty. 5 Five Coolies carrying a Sedan Chair. Pekin.

9 B8 r$ x7 y- V9 Q' ]( u) O8 u

Publisher: Hans Bahlke Peking 德勝洋行

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-5 08:42:00 | 显示全部楼层

Vintage Chinese Colour Art Drawn Picture Postcard, Pekin, The Chien Men Town-Gate, Tower. River, Bridge. Horse or donkey drinking water. Stadttor, Porte de Ville. 1898 C. Wittke.

# @; o* `0 `& ?6 p


d M, L: s; R4 p5 \% G5 b/ S

Vintage Chinese Colour Picture Postcard, Pekin, Peking, The British Legation.

' n, {2 @ D% N


" g. ?, V0 ?4 M6 ~! y


0 I' B O- L5 ^- G U% l. p) F3 E

Vintage Chinese Colour Picture Post Card, Chine Pekin, General View of the Summer Palace, Peking. Pagoda, Mountains. Lotus Flower Pond. Lake. 北京萬壽山.

m$ |# b4 P" p; C$ g


8 B: x& v" l1 m+ e: B


# g, V. L# M! C0 g9 d

Early Chinese Colour Picture Postcard, Republic of China era. Deer Crane Birds Statue. The Lo-Shou (Enjoying Longevity) Hall in Summer Palace, Peking. 北京頤和園樂壽堂.

发表于 2009-5-5 17:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
不错 不错.我喜欢
发表于 2009-5-6 17:23:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-5-13 22:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-16 00:28:00 | 显示全部楼层


2 _' _4 G$ V) L/ A, v( u3 L


/ x! k* G7 X& x8 w; c


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