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发表于 2009-5-7 16:10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


' v- T6 B# u4 @; b) d


6 x/ G: t. t4 O- A8 I

                                                                                                                  ---(English 译)

' P# o! |; q7 q4 N( Q/ ]



4 n6 H, m+ i P" s


( d- a$ S5 a) d n& I

"Great front door" of cigarettes in 1916 from the tobacco companies from Britain and the United States a license to begin production in China has been more than 80 years old, and could be said to be China's oldest brands of cigarettes. Sang 80 years of theory, the "big front door" to gain the glory and honor, but also experienced difficulties and setbacks, and even left the conspiracy and greed, is something many, many anecdotes.it has always been to take delight in talking about collectors and smokers.

( V% A0 z$ _3 m# d( P& @3 R


2 m" G7 m" g1 ]
After liberation, Hainiu tobacco companies in a lot of money away to outside circumstances, in April 2, 1952 will be the transfer of property rights free of charge to the Shanghai Chinese tobacco companies, now, Britain and the United States tobacco companies to monopolize the Chinese market for nearly half a century of cigarettes the end of the long history, deeply influenced by Chinese smokers like the "big front door" of the cigarettes also nationalized. In view of the history of the case, when the relevant decision of the "big front door," the registration of cigarettes by Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, the three co-owned factory, the factory producing the three.
3 T2 _4 C6 E8 ]8 p$ H6 ]9 O

, q+ b& k2 d1 l8 v
\"七、七\"事变后,日本侵占中国大片领土,英美烟公司同中国的民族卷烟工业一样也深受其害,产量锐减,业务萎缩。为了维持其在华业务的发展,1942年驻华英美烟公司加入日军控制下的\"中支那烟草配合组合\"。同年,日军又接管了颐中烟草公司及所属各烟厂。这时的《大前门》烟标还是图案依旧,但厂名又有了改变,笔着收藏的两枚《大前门》十支卡标可以看出其变化。一枚仍是全英文。但厂名由\"yee tsoong\"(颐中烟草公司)改为\"chi tong\"(启东烟公司)了。还有一枚干脆取消了全英文,代之以中日文字混用,厂名为启东烟草株式会社,原来的英文\"10 cigarettes\"(十支香烟),也改为日文\"拾本入\"。
) Y3 \* q% e1 t) B1 _% H: |/ X3 q
\ "Seven, seven \" Incident, the Japanese occupation of China's vast territory, with British and American tobacco companies in China as the national cigarette industry is also deeply hurt by the sharp drop in production, business shrink. In order to maintain its business in China, in 1942 Britain and the United States tobacco companies in China's accession to the Japanese army under the control of the \ "in combination with tobacco Shina \." That same year, the Japanese army also took over the tobacco companies and their Hainiu the factory. At this time the "big front door" or烟标pattern remains the same, but there has been a change Make, pen a collection of two "big front door," 10 cards can be seen marked changes. Is still an all-English. However, by Make \ "yee tsoong \" (Hainiu tobacco companies) to \ "chi tong \" (Qidong Tobacco Company) has been. There are simply a cancellation of the entire English text replaced by the Sino-Japanese mix, Make for Qidong Tobacco Corporation, the original English version of \ "10 cigarettes \" (10 cigarettes), was changed to Japanese \ "pick up the into the \. "
( Y3 G% z7 R1 m% l




8 I1 V3 o; W5 R% E; Z
6 p' t n6 \) o& k- l0 z9 r; |; }
6 x1 z, l6 X% o' `8 n2 G
4 y/ v3 I/ x# D7 `1 U
5 m# w% i3 G8 [
English translation

: A7 A% ]7 y5 `$ p8 S0 U, z


/ n0 [" H/ ~6 X" {7 g( R







发表于 2009-5-7 22:18:00 | 显示全部楼层


+ }( \" X# U. r% v


! R/ }0 I$ X% `7 P# Q5 [# x


发表于 2009-5-7 21:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-7 18:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-22 12:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用牛老者在2009-5-7 22:18:00的发言:
4 ^" |: H6 K) J# _, J


) q) e( s& l8 y8 W! c9 ]# C


5 N; i+ D- z9 v+ d$ @$ `


8 V8 N) g- Y8 v' D7 z) a


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