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发表于 2009-5-14 10:31:00
; x4 S' s' N' _: l
3 r/ x5 Q8 Y. ^2 N& v7 e8 R$ W
1 ^1 `3 ~3 c% I% c
% P- m: U) o5 M! H* b Chapter 3 Administration of the Practice Qualification of Working Personnel of Demolishing Entities | / k/ S( w* X1 Z5 D: w% G3 T
6 |9 y. h! ^2 P) M4 T$ o: t
第三章 拆迁单位工作人员执业资格管理 | ' [& y: f7 i% O" [
2 F6 M# i( T$ b: P- t1 y* i; y1 ?* Y0 J3 U# f7 R% y( t3 W" K Y
0 N& _4 M4 ^% c$ ]+ X( C" ]* T
Article 19 (Training and Assessment of Personnel)
The working personnel engaged in house demolishing service of this Municipality shall obtain the graduation certificate and post certificate for demolishing service. | . n, G8 K3 I* V: c3 i( T4 ~$ [
( D7 ]0 s5 r) K
第十九条 〔人员培训与考核〕 本市从事房屋拆迁服务的工作人员,应当取得拆迁结业证书和岗位证书。 |
9 q* |# n' F& J$ f% d: P
7 P2 e6 @' W: T' ^' l' p2 I9 K; k* k) j, N% s9 m) \2 B1 T1 `9 t
/ F, V4 w# s0 u' N' \9 ~5 v V& P" G- p" a2 R$ U+ W% U: B
Article 20 (Graduation Certificate for Demolishing Service)
The demolishing personnel shall receive the training on demolishing business, relevant laws and regulations, and professional ethics arranged for by the district and county administrations.
For the demolishing personnel that have received the training and passed the assessment given by ASLRH, ASLRH shall issue to them the graduation certificate. |
: B6 e# Q2 G& z; i8 R$ G. u3 e7 z
第二十条 〔拆迁结业证书〕 拆迁工作人员应当接受市和区、县国土房管局组织的拆迁业务、相关法律法规和职业道德培训。 拆迁工作人员经市国土房管局培训并考核合格的,由市国土房管局核发结业证书。 | / E6 r, d5 Q- W$ Z
/ C8 m9 Y' f9 G8 z
( W# E! h& [. X' `
' S6 b6 H, M; P& L+ {7 L* f2 D% Q
8 x4 S5 L- V4 ^% ?2 \0 y5 s Article 21 (Post Certificate of Demolishing Service)
ASLRH shall issue the post certificate to demolishing personnel at the application by the house demolishing entity and on the basis of the graduation certificate of the demolishing personnel.
The post certificate of demolishing personnel shall be uniformly drawn from ASLRH by the demolishing entity to which those personnel belong. | 8 G* K% x0 t) w6 h! E, ^
* ~% t2 ]+ K9 ~/ [/ J0 Y, L 第二十一条 〔拆迁岗位证书〕 市国土房管局根据房屋拆迁单位的申请和拆迁工作人员结业证书,核发拆迁工作人员岗位证书。 拆迁工作人员岗位证书,由其所属拆迁单位到市国土房管局统一领取。 |
$ l( y" f: h2 t& @- a `1 c' c! G8 d' I, Y6 o% J. T
/ P7 U2 W7 g- y( S( E* }! v3 ~! B/ Q' a [! p# p
! A! r/ V; P% E+ n( t8 y1 o7 O" } Article 22 (Practice Requirements)
A demolishing personnel shall work for one house demolishing entity, and may not work for two or more house demolishing entities concurrently. |
3 v1 i2 r5 r; W: c: P6 `* q- Z: H6 k. T5 |
第二十二条 〔执业要求〕 拆迁工作人员应当在一个房屋拆迁单位执业,不得同时在两个以上的房屋拆迁单位执业。 | : Z9 d! Y+ X/ U9 Y, E0 D6 x& q
( j$ |7 w) S- I( y
2 r8 z. J$ W! l0 ?- }
. K' ^/ a: _! a" u* ?: C V& V( \$ S
Article 23 (Project Examination)
In house demolishment, a house demolishing entity shall submit the post certificates of the demolishing personnel in charge of the relevant projects to the district or county administration of the place of demolishment for project examination, and shall make remarks on the post certificates.
In performance of duties, the demolishing personnel shall present to the relevant personnel their post certificates that have passed the project examination by the district or county administration; the personnel without post certificates may not engage in any demolishing work. | 2 d% f; E" j4 Y
( w0 }+ n. T1 A+ @2 D! b( U
第二十三条 〔项目审验〕 拆迁单位实施房屋拆迁,应将负责相关项目的拆迁工作人员的岗位证书交拆迁所在地区、县国土房管局进行项目审验,并在岗位证书上注记。 拆迁工作人员履行职务时,应当向拆迁当事人或有关人员出示经区、县国土房管局项目审验的岗位证书;无岗位证书人员不得从事拆迁工作。 | 7 E' z3 N, {5 }. A# y. o
M# u2 G3 R) g# z h
/ d( W/ E# U: Y; S Q b2 o- h# r0 J2 [. W" e
/ e! K$ T3 l2 A C$ m7 M" `$ T
Article 24 (Award and Punishment)
ASLRH shall award the demolishing personnel that have made outstanding achievements in house demolishment; and ASLRH shall nullify the Post Certificate of the demolishing personnel that have committed law-breaking or rule-breaking acts and caused bad influence in house demolishment.
Any personnel whose Post Certificate has been nullified shall not be issued the Post Certificate again within 3 years. | 8 f( W1 x( r7 [2 q2 r6 w/ L+ C
& X1 B/ [- t; c% N 第二十四条 〔奖惩〕 对在房屋拆迁中有突出贡献的拆迁工作人员,市国土房管局给予表彰;对在房屋拆迁中有违法违纪行为,影响恶劣的拆迁工作人员,市国土房管局可注销其《岗位证书》。 被注销《岗位证书》的人员三年内不再核发《岗位证书》。 |
4 f; }2 s# O8 l% Q/ q- M P' S }! G% L5 y* e
5 R3 J: |# v5 w' U$ w0 x! H" u" h) g8 \- S
X( s1 u0 s: X+ V+ e! G
Article 25 (Change of Employer Entity)
Where a demolishing person changes its employer entity, that person shall return his/her Post Certificate to ASLRH within 10 days from the day of change; where the person is transferred to any other demolishing entity, he/she shall apply for the Post Certificate over again. | $ |) C8 k" }+ H9 _0 g
; B% ]7 |, u' T. k8 ~3 ^3 M
第二十五条 〔单位变更〕 拆迁工作人员变更工作单位的,其《岗位证书》应于变更之日起10日内交回市国土房管局;调入其他拆迁单位的,应重新申办《岗位证书》。 |
9 Q7 T* l- X+ v# V- h6 l I# l8 N _5 y& ~0 O! v: ?
k2 g: c _. K5 B) X1 u+ s, l; J/ w
" x# V& `; c+ H( G) N# ?: x4 n
Chapter 4 Demolishing Service |
% C% ~/ f4 J. _; A+ N2 _- I/ S* x2 i( y! D8 m3 e% }2 j* `
第四章 拆迁服务 | / b0 B8 w% H& P: r+ T7 D1 `8 s3 M
~: B- i8 F7 u7 b
y2 ~! S# F) |. T9 Z' e3 n( ?
; l! p" N/ p9 [) F, B+ T2 R* _
! a0 c0 ^8 B0 Z- `* \* |1 J Article 26 (Principle of Demolishing According to Law)
A house demolishing entity shall carry out demolishment strictly in accordance with the Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Administration of Urban House Demolishment and the relevant provisions, and thus to guarantee the demolishment quality. | & `* X3 {7 U% n& B5 e. e
' \! u7 t: f7 K' ?* R8 k* H 第二十六条 〔依法拆迁原则〕 房屋拆迁单位应当严格按照《北京市城市房屋拆迁管理办法》和有关规定进行拆迁,保证拆迁质量。 | 7 m2 I7 O6 @( {2 w& T; y# {
8 k3 f2 ]/ [- n1 b
4 Q i) b' e. c
8 `' ~* R4 r% ]7 f. Z2 ^6 D9 o6 D! m' t4 U4 N( U
Article 27 (Contract of Entrusted Demolishment)
Where an entrusted demolishing entity accepts an entrustment for house demolishment, it shall sign a written entrustment contract with the demolisher. Where the project is subject to bidding pursuant to the provisions of the state and this Municipality, the demolishing entity shall be determined through bidding.
The entrustment contract shall be put on record with the district or county administration of the place where the houses to be demolished are located. | % V1 T7 x+ N0 c' J2 w, d
4 M0 K7 `; q( U4 S+ _ 第二十七条 〔委托拆迁合同〕 受托拆迁单位接受房屋拆迁委托时,应当与拆迁人签订书面委托合同。按照国家和本市规定应当实施招投标的项目,应当按照招投标方式确定拆迁单位。 委托合同应当报被拆迁房屋所在地区、县国土房管局备案。 |
( y9 C0 I0 _! D& x5 _' O2 B, U, h1 Q
1 Y" [& P, @5 W9 D' K, B9 ^
6 P0 {' B+ _2 I" c4 `7 f
) J! L3 P6 V; n: A
Article 28 (Prohibition on Subcontracting)
An entrusted demolishing entity may not, after accepting an entrustment of house demolishment, transfer the rights and obligations under the contract by any means.
Where the demolishment scale of a project is relatively large and it is difficult to have only one demolishing entity to undertake the project, the demolisher may entrust several demolishing companies to carry out the demolishment at the same time. | " }, `* y/ C' [1 o" u1 C
! A' a8 M9 \' F2 @! m2 a
第二十八条 〔分包禁止〕 受托拆迁单位接受房屋拆迁委托后,不得以任何方式转让合同规定的权利、义务。 建设项目拆迁规模较大,由一个拆迁单位承接拆迁有困难的,拆迁人可以同时委托多个拆迁公司实施拆迁。 | 8 q- o" r0 T5 T3 F5 @
. r* u- X/ t+ W. T( c* x5 a# s' ?! i$ m' w& ^+ @0 K
% o! x) ?$ e5 P8 C% O. v( ^* o) y/ s
: v2 V6 }/ T' ~1 u; _ {) z/ W0 O! h
Article 29 (Fair Competition)
In acceptance of demolishment entrustments, an entrusted demolishing entity shall abide by the principles of good faith and fair competition, observe the generally accepted business ethics, and may not take any wrongful competitive means to damage the legitimate rights and interests of other entities and individuals. |
% C# P6 w7 e% c6 R+ J/ i
2 l* ?& Z; l* C% A- F# U 第二十九条 〔公平竞争〕 受托拆迁单位接受拆迁委托,应当遵循诚实信用、公平竞争的原则,遵守公认的商业道德,不得采取不正当竞争手段,损害其他单位和个人合法权益。 |
/ T' \4 t: P8 y1 Y( E2 S9 Z& v# ~
4 z$ Z g. t$ p8 \
% y4 a. T! i e @
. ?- O* D# [0 W! v# T, k. n% ^0 k X8 e8 u) l1 t+ r* ?
Article 30 (Administration of Demolishment Scene)
A demolishing entity shall set up a temporary office on the demolishment scene.
A demolishing entity shall publicize the following contents at the office on the demolishment scene:
1) License for demolishing;
2) Demolishment range;
3) Qualification certificate of the demolishing entity;
4) Names of the demolishing personnel;
5) Relevant policies on demolishment;
6) Work disciplines for demolishment.
A supervisory telephone shall be set up on the demolishment scene for the convenience of the people, and thus to accept the public supervision by those whose houses are demolished. | q& b/ I2 X0 b) G4 q
$ c, A- _2 y4 U8 X. F( h- ~! X 第三十条 〔拆迁现场管理〕 拆迁单位应当在拆迁现场设临时办公场所。 拆迁单位应当在拆迁现场办公场所将下列内容进行公示: (一)拆迁许可证; (二)拆迁范围; (三)拆迁单位资质证书; (四)拆迁工作人员姓名; (五)拆迁相关政策; (六)拆迁工作纪律。 拆迁现场应设便民监督电话,接受被拆迁人的公开监督。 |
& N4 f9 I5 ^* S9 o
$ t6 I2 {$ y( c2 j: S7 W3 m! Z4 P) |! K1 u4 |
: e3 F P5 g8 e" O
7 c. [0 q1 p: b; M8 \$ L Article 31 (Prohibition on Rule Violation)
The demolishing personnel shall carry out demolishment according to law, perform their duties in a civilized way, and may not use the wrongful means such as menace, threats, and frauds, etc. |
3 d# P( Y! P" I0 k- K
. J& b% W# V, @& H/ u' @3 Z- s7 b) { 第三十一条 〔违规禁止〕 拆迁工作人员应当依法实施拆迁,文明履行职务,不得在拆迁中使用威胁、恐吓、欺诈等不正当手段。 |
/ w4 U& D- p' |9 N; G, e
. k; |# D$ n. t- c) |2 ]6 h) K5 U
* t1 o+ m4 Q! o9 P
% c) i/ @/ z h# `* g3 |; j
" B. d& ^; J' U) P' ]$ ? Article 32 (Demolishing Service Fee)
An entrusted entity shall collect the demolishing service fee pursuant to the relevant provisions.
Demolishing service fee shall be settled separately. |
9 H( A2 C7 S5 p. U. n0 A# H3 Z
6 Q9 Q6 W; i+ n 第三十二条 〔拆迁服务费〕 受托拆迁单位应当按照有关规定收取房屋拆迁服务费。 拆迁服务费应当单独结算。 |
1 }* j8 M* B c+ N" ?; Q. W
8 D/ D7 R: e# [$ u0 F. X% _$ c6 E* R8 X) D
5 K6 T. t$ S5 R' l6 ^
; t& ^- \- G5 ]4 ?0 g6 m/ b Article 33 (Project Assessment)
The district and county administrations may establish the system of achievement assessment for the demolishing entities for each demolishment project, and shall report the assessment results and handling opinions to ASLRH. | . Q. E0 C9 ?+ f! e" H6 G0 z' i
, W8 K2 i b* F2 s$ o% U) X
第三十三条 〔项目考核〕 区县国土房管局可以按照拆迁项目建立拆迁单位业绩考核制度,并将考核结果和处理意见报市国土房管局。 |
7 F& [+ q/ C6 @" J9 D" n" ~9 H; ^3 n* S: [
" k R! r) ?' F) l
2 D! s" i& ~ T) z' b) i, t
8 C/ n6 _ \, Y& U' p Chapter 5 Annual Examination of Demolishing Entities |
! I& p( ?# E: {
) N& k3 R2 y: Z* B 第五章 拆迁单位年度审核 | ; s: q) O2 [+ N; l
8 x8 b- e" N& N" r: J# F( W* C
4 o* {& w8 o+ ]$ t3 p% ?& f- | p
5 h( u5 u$ c- o2 Z; F9 j, [+ Z; R# n. e, q, s) w' G6 t/ q
Article 34 (Materials for Annual Examination)
ASLRH shall carry out annual examination of the house demolishing entities of this Municipality.
The house demolishing entities shall submit to ASLRH the following materials prior to the last workday of January of each year:
1. Annual examination form of house demolishing entity of Beijing Municipality;
2. Qualification Certificate of House Demolishing Entity;
3. Post certificates of the demolishing personnel;
4. Work summing-up and demolishment statistics form of the last year; and
5. Other materials to be submitted as required by ASLRH. | 7 \$ R Y/ K) I% I
$ @7 H4 F5 Q) V+ }4 w" G3 ?
第三十四条 〔年审材料〕 市国土房管局对本市房屋拆迁单位实行年度审核。 各房屋拆迁单位应于每年一月最后一个工作日前将下列资料报市国土房管局: (一)北京市房屋拆迁单位年度审核表; (二)《房屋拆迁单位资质证书》; (三)拆迁工作人员岗位证书; (四)上一年度工作总结及拆迁情况统计表; (五)市国土房管局要求提交的其他材料。 |
( K8 P# \* w! U# V* i% O( ?2 K p, X0 D' l# d
% Z) ?; P7 p | q# o. Z
, l1 U: c: D2 f; v: ]
" ]/ |5 u: d1 R: _) ^, i Article 35 (Results of Annual Examination)
ASLRH classifies the results of annual examination of house demolishing entities into 3 types, namely excellent, qualified, and unqualified.
The result of annual examination shall be indicated on the Qualification Certificate of a house demolishing entity and be publicized. | & \; a0 y; C! M
; l8 J+ y' b; N 第三十五条 〔年审结果〕 市国土房管局对房屋拆迁单位年度审核结果分为优秀、合格、不合格三类。 年度审核结果在房屋拆迁单位《资格证书》上予以注记,并向社会公布。 |
, |; E! E. `# n+ f# j
" E$ F% x; h3 `4 ^3 W6 u6 h5 p# O! p/ z8 b6 M9 x
) L$ P2 E: u. o$ p8 Y; K: v- c* [3 n |
% A, d7 o$ ^ t0 ^( S Article 36 (Excellent Demolishing Entity)
A house demolishing entity that carried out the demolishment according to law, received good social comments and made outstanding achievements in the demolishment work in the previous year, and that meets the following conditions, shall be determined as excellent in the annual examination.
1) Requirements on business volume:
1. In case of a third-grade company, more than 3 projects and 600 households;
2. In case of a second-grade company, more than 5 projects and 1,000 households;
3. In case of a third-grade company, more than 7 projects and 1,500 households.
2) No collective complaint for the demolishment projects accepted in the last two years; the number of individual complaints filed by the residents are fewer than 3% of the number of households involved in the demolishment projects accepted.
3) With respect to the projects accepted in the previous year, more than 80% of the residents signed the agreement within the movement period promulgated by the district or county administration; the number of applications for ruling filed to the district or county administration is fewer that 3% of the total number of the households.
4) Filling in the statistics statements pursuant to the requirements; and handling, in a careful and timely manner, the letter complaints filed by the residents and other problems relating to the demolishment that are transferred by the departments in charge of demolishment of the municipality, districts and counties.
5) Patiently publicizing and explaining and strictly carrying out the policies on demolishment; and providing high-quality services to the demolishment parties;
6) Establishing relatively normative, complete and systematic internal management system, and using modern management modes and means.
The proportion of excellent demolishing entities determined each year shall not exceed 5% of the total number of demolishing entities of the whole municipality. ASLRH shall award the excellent house demolishing entities. |
e3 o1 Y% c( w/ K& K5 K
; ` p' I7 X* H6 o 第三十六条 〔优秀拆迁单位〕 对于在上一年度拆迁工作中能够依法实施拆迁,社会反映良好,工作业绩突出,且符合下列条件的房屋拆迁单位,年审评定为优秀。 (一)业务量要求: 1、三级公司3个以上项目、600户以上; 2、二级公司5个以上项目、1000户以上; 3、一级公司7个以上项目、1500户以上。 (二)近二年所承接拆迁项目无集体访;居民个访量低于所承接拆迁项目总户数的3%。 (三)上一年度所承接项目在区县国土房管局公告的搬迁期限内居民签协议比例80%以上;向区县国土 房管局申请裁决的比例低于居民总户数的3%。 (四)按要求填报统计报表;认真及时办理市、区县拆迁主管部门批转的群众信访件及其他拆迁相关问题。 (五)耐心宣传解释、严格贯彻执行拆迁政策;为拆迁当事人提供优质服务; (六)建立比较规范、完整、系统的内部管理制度,使用现代化管理模式和手段。 每年评定为优秀拆迁单位的比例不超过全市拆迁单位总数的5%。市国土房管局对优秀房屋拆迁单位予以表彰。 |
# ?7 x7 g% r/ s# |' M$ y/ c& v' ~9 b5 R4 e. Q% p
( j+ L7 c Y+ P. J2 x8 V
% R6 M' u5 z1 J8 p' f1 Y$ ^
^) ~) Z+ _( M* w7 ?, {
Article 37 (Qualified Demolishing Entity)
A house demolishing entities that carried out demolishment according to law, received no bad social comments and made good achievements in the demolishment work in the previous year and that meets the following conditions shall be determined as qualified in the annual examination:
1) Accepting more than 1 demolishment projects in the last two years;
2) Receiving no collective complaint filed for rule-breaking acts with respect to the demolishment projects accepted in the last two years.
3) Filling in the statistics statements and handling the letter complaints filed by the residents and other problems relating to demolishment that are transferred by the departments in charge of demolishment of the municipality, districts and counties pursuant to the requirements.
4) Committing no serious rule-breaking demolishing act; and
5) The internal management of the company is relatively normative. | # b; [: J" @3 Y) @
# L% T/ u! E$ c0 P# d# }& z 第三十七条 〔合格拆迁单位〕 对于在上一年度拆迁工作中能够依法实施拆迁,社会无不良反映,工作业绩良好,且符合下列条件的房屋拆迁单位,年审评定为合格: (一)近二年承接过拆迁项目1个以上。 (二)近二年所承接拆迁项目无因拆迁违规操作而致集体访。 (三)按要求填报统计报表和办理市、区县拆迁主管部门批转的群众信访件及其他拆迁相关问题。 (四)无严重违规拆迁行为; (五)公司内部管理比较规范。 |
P& S1 K, s* I; i R; V" H8 n
' j) q0 a; B; m& {5 ?: S# c8 S i8 H1 a6 E5 F
! ]/ `/ m/ X. j$ Q( m+ s! W+ D3 g) A
: E5 e) Y" o8 A4 N5 i* p
Article 38 (Unqualified Demolishing Entity)
A house demolishing entity that has committed any of the following acts in violation of the laws and regulations on demolishment, and that had serious circumstances and caused bad influence in the demolishment work in the previous year shall be determined as unqualified in the annual examination:
1) Failing to negotiate and sign an agreement with those whose houses are demolished, demolishing the houses without the ruling by the district or county administration or the government, or committing other barbarous demolishing acts and causing bad influence;
2) Operating in violation of the rules and with rough attitude, and thus incurring collective complaints or other severe acts by the residents whose houses are demolished, and causing bad influence; or
3) Committing other rule-breaking demolishing acts and causing bad influence in the demolishment. |
" H* s3 c- R! W
3 e& F" T0 v p2 e$ M4 j 第三十八条 〔不合格拆迁单位〕 在上一年度拆迁工作中有下列违反拆迁法律法规的行为,情节严重、影响恶劣的房屋拆迁单位,年审评定为不合格: (一)在拆迁中未与被拆迁人协商签订协议、未经区县国土房管局或政府裁决即对被拆迁人房屋实施拆除及实施其他野蛮拆迁行为,影响恶劣的; (二)在拆迁中违规操作、态度粗暴,引起被拆迁居民集体访或其他激烈行为,影响恶劣的; (三)拆迁中有其他违规拆迁行为,影响恶劣的。 |
* o a+ B d) V
# L$ p6 y3 J% r9 _6 l" L2 U$ q, c. z7 Q8 M: x
7 @7 C8 J: n/ F$ v% z/ j- ? C" A5 [/ Z3 H7 F7 h, p2 A
Article 39 (Treatment to the Entities Unqualified in Annual Examination)
With respect to a house demolishing entity determined as unqualified in the annual examination, ASLRH may suspend its qualification for house demolishing and order it to rectify within a prescribed time limit. Where the house demolishing entity fails to rectify within the prescribed time limit or is still unqualified after the rectification, ASLRH may lower its qualification grade or disqualify it for house demolishing according to the situations. A house demolishing entity that has been disqualified for house demolishing shall not be issued the Qualification Certificate within 3 years. |
: x5 \" {' |9 O( h! M( O# c; c2 b: I& v$ w* L7 |+ e9 L: C' X
第三十九条 (年审不合格单位的处理) 对年度审核不合格的房屋拆迁单位,市国土房管局可暂停其房屋拆迁资格并责令限期整顿。房屋拆迁单位在限定期限内未进行整顿,或整顿后仍不合格的,市国土房管局根据情况可以降低其资质等级或者取消其房屋拆迁资格。被取消房屋拆迁资格的房屋拆迁单位三年内不再核发《资质证书》。 | ! L) d0 R2 r! X9 K" i+ j
8 g. D1 r! V$ E! p2 z
7 x8 K0 @5 ^9 y3 D4 }
9 _: I" ~+ o4 Y; \) }
: q- c; [% V3 R6 _ x Article 40 (Treatment to Entities Failing to Participate the Annual Examination)
Where a house demolishing entity fails to submit the materials for annual examination, ASLRH may order that entity to submit those materials within a prescribed time limit, and suspend its qualification for house demolishing. If the entity fails to submit the materials within the prescribed time limit, ASLRH may disqualify it for house demolishing. | 9 C. x" s5 s+ R
, s. g4 z( C; a' w. G 第四十条 〔不参加年审单位的处理〕 房屋拆迁单位未申报年度审核材料的,市国土房管局可以责令其限期申报年度审核材料,并暂停其房屋拆迁资格。在限定期限内仍未申报年审材料的,市国土房管局可以取消其房屋拆迁资质。 |
+ S* i6 Z/ e8 H( [" n8 I9 h7 n3 C% s( o7 `3 `1 \6 f
5 p# h! W. S9 M& x; c. C# w& x3 I" i9 p; y! H- ~
0 M5 P I+ Y6 | k+ O
Article 41 (Promotion)
A second-grade or third-grade entrusted demolishing entity that has met the conditions for the next higher grade qualification and that has been determined as excellent in the annual examination may apply to ASLRH for promotion of its qualification grade.
Where an entrusted demolishing entity applies for promotion of qualification grade, the demolishment achievements of that entity shall be calculated starting from the day on which that entity obtained its present qualification grade. |
" o- p) E+ ]* y5 ~! ]
2 S% V; O/ E y: g! x* V( K) J+ y& o 第四十一条 〔晋级〕 已经符合较高一级资质等级条件,而且年审评定为优秀的二级或三级受托拆迁单位,可以向市国土房管局申请晋升资质等级。 受托拆迁单位申请晋升资质等级的,其拆迁工作业绩自该单位取得现有资质等级之日起计算。 |
: a* \) F1 {) L- E4 E% P! c1 l) f3 c4 J0 \% A- N
! U1 ?6 z' U- f4 G* j
- `, D5 P- K- h& K- i: z1 ^) N' l; g: e
Article 42 (Demotion)
ASLRH may demote the qualification grade of an entrusted demolishing entity that no longer meets the conditions for its present qualification grade.
ASLRH may demote the qualification grade of a demolishing entity that has been determined as unqualified in the annual examination and that is still unqualified after rectification within the prescribed time limit. |
! Q9 m3 h, E9 O) x* }" c7 Q, l( M! Z+ X: Q
第四十二条 〔降级〕 对不符合原定资质等级条件的受托拆迁单位,市国土房管局可以降低其资质等级。 对年审结果为不合格,经限期整顿后仍不合格的,市国土房管局可以降低其资质等级。 | 4 Q2 b# C u2 m" z: w
; K2 Z# A$ M# W7 |6 C0 X
8 P6 x; k3 h/ T
7 D& k3 b @1 Z/ R3 u$ _ ?& k8 q- k3 s! m
Article 43 (Entity Accepting no Business in Two Years)
An entrusted demolishing entity that hasn’t accepted any demolishing business in the last two years shall apply for the examination of demolishing qualification over again. |
! f% x" Y A( O+ d1 m. D6 v( Z
9 L4 y* E0 _% f# u }3 h 第四十三条 〔二年无业务单位〕 受托拆迁单位近二年未承接拆迁业务的,应当重新申请拆迁资质审查。 |
) i/ l9 Q" _$ U, L% y+ \8 d! l+ K$ H- D! {( D! p! w' z
5 H8 n# j, { W0 o; a" O5 B+ U0 z9 |$ ?- l
- N% `' S- b& \9 x( \- H, \0 h Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions | " n: u m! W$ W8 y# @4 t
! |7 P- g: y+ v2 t* D8 w1 L4 c
第六章 附则 |
# a i) o0 N& L# X' R! v/ `# ~2 \1 A, D- |
% R: e0 g/ @9 q0 [
( P- j+ w* P, k' a
9 G, f% c' G3 @* L( Q/ e; c Article 44 (Certificate Administration)
No entity or individual may forge, alter or transfer the Qualification Certificate and Post Certificate. An entity losing the Qualification Certificate must declare invalidation of that certificate on a newspaper before it can apply for a substitute with ASLRH. A demolishing person losing the Post Certificate must take his/her a written repentance and the entity certificate to ASLRH to apply for a substitute. | 3 s8 b' Y7 R6 d0 m2 ~: p: U
% s: L' K& S$ N$ v& w
第四十四条 〔证书管理〕 任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改或转让《资格证书》和《岗位证书》。《资格证书》遗失的,必须登报声明作废后,方可向市国土房管局申请补发。拆迁工作人员遗失《岗位证书》,必须持本人书面检查和单位证明向市国土房管局申请补发。 | 7 ?. K/ I9 ^7 R0 ], `
4 S! V) x u1 g# s8 D& I
1 n6 d& R2 a B0 |: R* Z
7 i( s3 q6 |$ G+ p0 ]1 }# Z' ^- z9 u( d- {
Article 45 (Effectiveness)
The present Measures shall come into effect on May 1, 2003. The Measures of Beijing Municipality for the Administration Urban House Demolishing Entities promulgated by ASLRH on November 10, 1999, shall be repealed at the same time. |
; o& E0 p' F. q7 u7 K3 L! Q& ^/ S8 ^% W) A; B3 A( i( w
第四十五条 〔生效〕 本办法自2003年5月1日起施行。市国土房管局1999年11月10日发布的《北京市城市房屋拆迁单位管理办法》同时废止。 |