$ R* E- ~, N; S0 c
7 t6 k7 N" W, h6 d# {( M+ }: MPH1976-0062 View of the Hall of Prayer for a Good Harvest [Qinian Dian], Temple of Heaven [Tian Tan]
$ @$ y4 y7 a% y8 KPH1979-0481 View of the Meridian Gate [Wumen] to the Forbidden City (the Imperial Palace) PH1979-0482 注:这类均是由两幅小图合拼为一张全景的,下面可见包含两张、三张甚至最多八张的 Panorama of the northeast corner watchtower, walls, and Dongzhi Gate of the Inner City A.View of the east wall and Dongzhi Gate of the Inner City B.View of the northeast corner watchtower and walls of the Inner City
: n. I" s- @7 p( |+ _PH1980-0208-002 Panorama of the principal fa.ade of the Shanghai Northern Customhouse (the Old Temple Building), Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 A.View of the principal fa.ade of the Shanghai Northern Customhouse (the Old Temple Building), Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 B.View of the principal fa.ade of the Shanghai Northern Customhouse (the Old Temple Building), Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 PH1980-0380 Panorama showing part of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the upper South Taku Fort, the Upper North Taku Fort and the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort) in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) A.View showing part of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the upper South Taku Fort and the Upper North Taku Fort in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) B.View showing part of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (also known as the 2nd North Fort) in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) C.View showing part of the outworks of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
9 Z4 S( L" S9 n1 ~9 Z. p/ _& fPH1981-0620-043 View of a stone arch bridge on the Wusong Jiang (Suzhou Creek), Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 PH1981-0620-044 Vignette of two women riding in a wheelbarrow pushed by a man, Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 PH1981-0620-045 Vignette of junks and other sailing ships on the Wusong Jiang (Suzhou Creek) showing buildings in the background, Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 PH1981-0620-046 View of the veranda of a building showing men and a sedan chair, possibly Foochow (Fuzhou), China, 1860-1870 PH1981-0620-047-048 Panorama of Foochow (Fuzhou) showing part of the foreign settlement, the Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages and the Min River, China, 1860-1870 047.View of Foochow (Fuzhou) showing part of the foreign settlement and the Min River, China, 1860-1870 048.View of Foochow (Fuzhou) showing part of the foreign settlement, the Bridge of Ten Thousand Ages and the Min River, China, 1860-1870 PH1981-0620-049-051 Panorama of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China), Hong Kong harbour and Kowloon Peninsula showing the Albany and other buildings, and ships, 1870 049.View of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) and Hong Kong harbour showing buildings and ships, 1870 050.View of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China), Hong Kong harbour and Kowloon Peninsula showing buildings and ships, 1870 051.View of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China), Hong Kong harbour and Kowloon Peninsula showing the Albany and other buildings, and ships, 1870 PH1982-0363-003 View of the principle fa.ade of the Shanghai Northern Customs House, Shanghai, China, 1862-1879 PH1982-0363-054 View of the British Concession on the Bund of Shanghai, showing the Oriental Bank, with the Public Garden (Huangpu Park) in the foreground, China, 1868-1879 PH1982-0643-091 View of Jingshan [Hill of Commanding Views] and the Ta-kao hsuan Hall (Dagaoxuan Dian) temple complex PH1985-0692 Panorama of the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort) showing earthwork cavaliers and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) A.View of the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort), showing an earthwork cavalier and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) B.View of the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort), showing earthwork cavaliers and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) PH1986-0132 View of the Belvedere of the God of Literature [Wen Chang Di Jun Ge], Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan] PH1986-0347 Panorama of Jingshan [Hill of Commanding Views], the Ta-kao hsuan Hall (Dagaoxuan Dian) temple complex, and the Forbidden City A.View of Jingshan [Hill of Commanding Views and the Ta-kao hsuan Hall (Dagaoxuan Dian) temple complex, also showing part of the Forbidden City B.View of the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace PH1986-0359 Panorama of Wuchang (in Wuhan) within the city walls, China, 1860-1870 A.View of a section of Wuchang (in Wuhan) within the city walls, China, 1860-1870 B.View of a section of Wuchang (in Wuhan) within the city walls, China, 1860-1870 C.View of a section of Wuchang (in Wuhan) within the city walls, China, 1860-1870 PH1986-0360 Panorama of the surroundings of Hukow (Hukou) showing Stone Bell Hill [Shizhong Shan], China, 1860-1870 A.View of the surroundings of Hukow (Hukou) showing the city walls, China, 1860-1870 B.View of the surroundings of Hukow (Hukou) showing the city walls, China, 1860-1870 C.View of the surroundings of Hukow (Hukou) showing the city walls and Stone Bell Hill [Shizhong Shan], China, 1860-1870 PH1986-0361 View, from the Chinese city, of the foreign concessions in Kiu-kiang (Jiujiang), China, 1860-1870 PH1986-0362 View of the bund and foreign concessions, looking towards the Chinese city in Kiu-kiang (Jiujiang), China, 1860-1870 PH1986-0373 View of the Longhua Pagoda [Longhua Ta], Shanghai, China, 1860-1870 PH1986-0375 View of a walkway through the woods of Tien Dong (Tiantong Forest Park), near Ningpo (Ningbo), China, 1860-1870 PH1986-0376 View of the entrance to the Great Buddha Hall [Da Fo Dian], Tien Dong (Tiantong) Temple, near Ningpo (Ningbo), China, 1860-1870 b4 ]- _1 x7 d0 r- Z4 k, A
9 X1 a; Z4 m/ A+ G. b
( |% `$ k# J3 j6 \3 X% k
( [% [/ f# r" KPH1986-0901-001 恭亲王 Portrait of Prince Yixin (Prince Gong), son of Daoguang, Emperor of China, seated in an armchair
9 s, b! b6 X* |: E- r. Z& ?
( |! t& p: d# L, bPH1986-0901-002 大连湾?个人好似未曾见过大连湾的这组照片 Panorama of Odin Bay looking toward Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Odin Bay looking toward Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Odin Bay looking toward Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Odin Bay looking toward Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Odin Bay looking toward Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian)
# i8 ^* m' |- b3 H. ]
' a3 Y, T8 S- ]8 s- K. [PH1986-0901-003 同上 Panorama of Victoria Bay, adjacent to Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Victoria Bay, adjacent to Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Victoria Bay, adjacent to Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Victoria Bay, adjacent to Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Victoria Bay, adjacent to Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing military camps and farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian) View of Victoria Bay, adjacent to Talien Bay (Dalian Wan), showing farmland, near Ch'ing-ni-wa (part of Dalian)
# h% c9 g3 ]' ?; N" F
" Y* T. H# R2 o& ?5 ZPH1986-0901-004 北塘全景 这组就是包含9张单照的一幅全景照,上帖中本人所提供的可能就是这组 Panorama showing the southern Pehtang Fort, the town of Pehtang (Beitang), and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, with the northern Pehtang Fort in the background, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta and part of a moat, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta and part of a moat, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort, the town of Pehtang (Beitang), and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort, the town of Pehtang (Beitang), and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, with the northern Pehtang Fort in the background, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort, the town of Pehtang (Beitang), and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort, the town of Pehtang (Beitang), and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the southern Pehtang Fort and the Pehtang (Beitang) River delta, with the northern Pehtang Fort in the background, near Tientsin (Tianjin) * F( E W5 i4 d; h& w8 \2 c
$ C% a$ W* D! y
PH1986-0901-005 北塘 View of the southern Pehtang Fort, Pehtang (Beitang), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
9 e5 `3 j6 Z8 E( U7 y9 K8 x" G) J & T0 n3 V- b4 _$ F& ^+ h) O1 _. K
PH1986-0901-006 大沽炮台二张全景 Panorama showing the Tangku Fort, defensive walls, moats and a causeway, Tangku (Tanggu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Tangku Fort, defensive walls, moats and a causeway, Tangku (Tanggu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Tangku Fort, defensive walls, moats and a causeway, Tangku (Tanggu), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
/ P0 |9 Q) A/ Z* C8 s 7 e: h( L5 V, B8 l
PH1986-0901-007 大沽炮台系列至012本人上帖中基本是按照这个顺序来的 View of the ruins of the Upper North Taku Fort, showing an earthwork cavalier and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) 5 l. h; m0 a! t* i+ k# ]
PH1986-0901-008 Partial view of the ruins of the Upper North Taku Fort, showing defensive walls, a drawbridge and a moat, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
/ V( \( x. r6 W3 e9 G& t- O* `$ b7 j9 J PH1986-0901-009 Partial view of the ruins of the Upper North Taku Fort, showing defensive walls, palisades and ladders, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
: r/ H; v$ c% W& l7 j/ d ~% e PH1986-0901-010 Partial view of the ruins of the Upper North Taku Fort, showing dead soldiers, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) 8 T A7 Q# {2 {6 L7 N# j
PH1986-0901-011 Partial view of the ruins of the Upper North Taku Fort, showing dead soldiers, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
4 i* X( f; `- M/ I- X9 m4 n PH1986-0901-012 View of the ruins of the Upper North Taku Fort, showing dead soldiers and an earthwork cavalier and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin)
' J$ k; j. ?2 t- ]0 h4 p/ M7 y3 [+ I PH1986-0901-013 大沽炮台系列二张合景,此及下面014与015本人分辨不清,也是尚待继续寻找的某些照片. Panorama of the 2nd North Fort (Lower North Fort) showing earthwork cavaliers and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View of the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort), showing an earthwork cavalier and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View of the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort), showing earthwork cavaliers and defensive walls, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) , }1 \0 b$ f' u: |6 i% n
7 K0 Z5 a9 X& p H' H, y, J" {PH1986-0901-014 大沽炮台系列三张合景 Panorama showing the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort) and the Great South Taku Fort in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (the 2nd North Fort) in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Pei (Hai) River delta, with part of the Great South Taku Fort in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing the Pei (Hai) River delta, with part of the Great South Taku Fort in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) # D1 x. |/ t5 K1 x# y) d1 m9 B
4 P2 T$ ]- G5 l' i- A
PH1986-0901-015 大沽炮台系列三张合景 Panorama showing part of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the upper South Taku Fort, the Upper North Taku Fort and the Lower North Taku Fort (also known as the 2nd North Fort) in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing part of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the upper South Taku Fort and the Upper North Taku Fort in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing part of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, with the Lower North Taku Fort (also known as the 2nd North Fort) in the background, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) View showing part of the outworks of the Great South Taku Fort and the Pei (Hai) River delta, Taku (Dagu), near Tientsin (Tianjin) # j0 \8 p0 j+ p& a- d* ?
" f* \9 q9 s# }% v) }
PH1986-0901-016 通州燃灯塔 View of the Tung-chow Pagoda (Tongzhou Pagoda, also known as Randeng Ta), Tung-chow (Tongzhou), near
1 E: Q# n/ {! j! E- ?, ] ) ^+ c- x9 L! i6 J0 @
PH1986-0901-017 通州八里桥 View of the Palichao (Baliqiao) bridge, Tung-chow (Tongzhou) - _9 J7 g+ M" t4 o4 U u
PH1986-0901-018 雍和宫万福阁 View of the Yonghe Gong(the Lama Temple) showing Wanfu Ge and other buildings,
5 q! h, D1 V+ V7 M2 z PH1986-0901-019 雍和宫万福阁 View of the Wanfu Ge and other buildings at the Yonghe Gong (the Lama Temple) 7 R: N; [. d- t, |
PH1986-0901-020 清漪园昆明湖万寿山玉泉山二张全景 Panorama of the Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan] showing Kunming Lake and ruins on Wanshou Shan, with Yuquan Shan in the background View of the Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan] showing Kunming Lake, with Yuquan Shan in the background View of the Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan] showing Kunming Lake and ruins on Wanshou Shan 1 z7 C2 z8 H1 L( R7 A- h
PH1986-0901-021 清漪园多宝琉璃塔 View of the Pagoda of Many Treasures [Duobao Ta], Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan]
1 u/ e \2 L0 K, u: @! u PH1986-0901-022 清漪园文昌阁 View of the Belvedere of the God of Literature [Wen Chang Di Jun Ge], Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan]
3 E) M2 i7 l4 P8 D9 v PH1986-0901-023 清漪园昙花阁 View of a building in Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan]
, e/ S* c- J# E( A. D PH1986-0901-024 可能为一组石供的那张 View of a Buddhist stone altar set in front of a tomb, near Tung-chow (Tongzhou) 1 m$ ]3 [2 F' _
PH1986-0901-025 西黄寺清净化域塔前牌楼 Vew of the p'ai-lou at the entrance to the Panchen Pagoda (Qing Jing Huayu Dagoba), West Yellow Temple [Xi Huangsi]
+ X" E0 e V" h# n4 i4 ^+ v PH1986-0901-026 安定门及地坛二张全景 Pnorama showing part of the walls and moat of the Inner City, with the Anting Gate (Anding Men) in the background, and part of the Altar to Earth [Ditan]   artial view of the walls and moat of the Inner City, with the Anting Gate (Anding Men) in the background   artial view of the moat of the Inner City and part of the Altar to Earth [Ditan] (also known as the Temple of Earth)
2 a9 |4 i7 V5 U, c PH1986-0901-027 安定门 Vew of the Anting Gate (Anding Men)
- n1 ~+ S p! N, m0 H1 e PH1986-0901-028 东直门二张全景 Panorama of the northeast corner watchtower, walls, and Dongzhi Gate of the Inner City View of the east wall and Dongzhi Gate of the Inner City View of the northeast corner watchtower and walls of the Inner City 9 Y+ A( |& d: P3 R* A
PH1986-0901-029 安定门(含大炮) View of the top of the wall of the Inner City, showing cannons, with the Yonghe Gong in the background
4 [$ C0 H7 K2 b) @2 y* s0 E " e* Y, q W6 i5 w( x
PH1986-0901-030 北海及西苑 Partial view of Jade Flowery Island [Qionghua Dao] showing the White Pagoda [Bai Ta] and other structures, Western Garden [Xi Yuan] (Beihai Park) * _# W. Y' ]8 W
PH1986-0901-031 西黄寺清净化域塔和牌楼
; b) o5 G' q# H& p$ }View of the Panchen Pagoda (also known as the Qing Jing Huayu Dagoba) and a p'ai-lou, West Yellow Temple [Xi Huangsi] 4 t- q& ^7 Z+ w0 H
PH1986-0901-032 天坛祈年殿 View of the Hall of Prayer for a Good Harvest [Qinian Dian], Temple of Heaven [Tian Tan]
* _) l1 V( y8 f) ]1 ]7 s PH1986-0901-033 大高玄殿 View of a p'ai-lou and a building at the southeast corner of the temple complex of Ta-kao hsuan Hall (Dagaoxuan Dian) in the Imperial City ' t8 M4 Z* P s; l% c
PH1986-0901-034 紫禁城午门 View of the Meridian Gate [Wumen] to the Forbidden City
# H1 C" m) Y/ i/ u9 d5 p' P( U PH1986-0901-035 天安门金水桥 Partial view of Tiananmen [Gate of Heavenly Peace] showing two huabiao and five of the Jinshuiqiao [Gold Water Bridges] ; P% O3 j, u$ x" z- u% q5 k1 I$ A/ I
PH1986-0901-036 清漪园智慧海 View of the Sea of Wisdom Temple [Zhihuihai], Garden of the Clear Ripples [Qing Yi Yuan]
; C9 T/ U, ]7 D9 {$ O! K& Y PH1986-0901-037 街道店铺 View of shops in a street in the Outer City (also known as the Chinese City) $ v( C6 v6 f3 N# f; r' P
PH1986-0901-038 街道店铺 View of shops in a street in the Inner City (also known as the Tartar City)
' j0 v( _7 v$ J) Y& s# h- r PH1986-0901-039 紫禁城 北海 西苑全景 Panoramic view of the north-western section of the Imperial City showing Jade Flowery Island [Qionghua Dao], the White Pagoda [Bai Ta], part of North Lake [Beihai] and other structures and features of Western Garden [Xi Yuan], and showing other buildings in the vicinity
- k. m, t3 e: s% g) B x B& G8 ~ PH1986-0901-040 景山 大高玄殿 紫禁城二张全景 Panorama of Jingshan, the Ta-kao hsuan Hall (Dagaoxuan Dian) temple complex, and the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace View of Jingshan and the Ta-kao hsuan Hall (Dagaoxuan Dian) temple complex, also showing part of the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace View of the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace