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I am so puzzled.......

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发表于 2010-6-13 00:56:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

How come that the organizers here won't start some of the questions common for everyone to participate and begin learning English??? Why are we here then, wasting time???

, W$ z3 g+ v) F2 c: z


/ }: P7 I' u/ w. }" I# I+ X+ m

I truly don't see a point to have this forum here.



发表于 2010-6-13 08:47:00 | 显示全部楼层

Please advise with "questions common for everyone". fficeffice" />

6 Z$ \- B: H1 W2 ?4 W5 k/ Y


0 w) Y8 K& D- F; G" L" U& e6 l6 H

As for the goal of the English forum, I am sorry that we haven't figure it out yet. It is supposed to be a platform sharing Old Beijing info with not only Chinese but also foreigners. Do you mind share some suggestions?

! p$ @0 t' \, c( l5 l$ r3 w+ j6 \


 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 13:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

1) What's going on for World Cup in South Africa? What are the fun parts of this soccer game?

* j% K: F- ?6 o2 b4 A4 y

2) What's going on at World Expo. in Shanghai?

|( n8 [& }0 d! |% F) G

3) What are the people thinking about on the site of Earthquake in the northwest........?

1 E# ~/ ~ a8 @! l5 A5 Z& n

4) What are of the more important things going on in Beijing , China and in the world?

$ ^2 K5 }7 J( k, k' S! d8 M& s0 z

5) Where should the new comers go for authentic Old BJ food restautrants which are disappearing like LudaGunr, DouZhir, ChaoGanr and WandouHuangr, etc ?

5 n6 @% n, b$ f3 w! w Z& P

6) What are the things most of the foreigners are curious about Beijing, and whom they should go for all these answers?

" s& _! p+ P+ v5 U+ V8 g/ A& _

.....................................I can go on forever

" N v# g5 J. |) M: K8 ^/ }


+ ?6 x. p# l* H& F& J. c: u

If you are unable to send immediate report back to Old Beijing Natives and other group of people sharing information from this English forum by your editors, you should at least adopt news from other sources to update visitors's information so that people will keep visiting this forum and begin to enjoy prasing THE organizer for your achievement.....

7 j/ r, `4 ~- T1 g+ o

There are so much you can figure for hot perticipation and individual involvement. Much  more could have been done years ago. You do not need at all a plain visitor like me who couldn't help waiting for so long to shoot a few lines of words to push your guys one step forward..... ........Anyway, I am an Old BJ Native myself, but I will never leave this forum as others already did........I'll be back checking for any improvement from now on.

: j5 _- S- b' A9 F

I did not even take time thinking, more ideas were in my mind already. However, my ideas are mine, your idea belongs to you.

# n- ?4 j9 u. ^

 Meanwhile, I love Old BJ sooooooooooooooo much.

& @) w+ ^- A" L# w, L# N# I

 Enjoy your Dragon Boat Festival !!

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 13:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
If the final goal of this forum has not yet been figured out, I do not see what your guys have done in years and will do in more years to come....... Ask yourselves for any contribution before you retire from this forum, evaluation of any kind from your visitors. You will by then probabaly figure everything out.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-14 17:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
  4 X0 F7 P# @6 f6 o. i) Z( p

My pleasure to share some but not all:

! I9 I- [# g6 o" K

1)      If this forum is a Foreign Language forum, the goal is crystal-clear here, which means nothing but for people to participate in one or more foreign languages.

$ H' V! X3 h) e3 o& P

2)      If English is supposed to be the mainstream here, English IS the means for people to share ideas and information on Old Beijing. However, Chinese at the moment is a possible language to take part for questions and 人气.

6 m3 J8 M2 M. L3 g+ i; J; n

3)      A very simple and easy English class is supposed to be built up here for people to learn very simple English expressions instead of coming and asking “Can someone tell me where I can find a good English class?”  Without any reply, s/he left sadly saying “This forum is NO help at all”. Do you expect him/her to come back again??? The class IS right here with this forum. Anyone has the absolute right to come and learn with as many questions as they have to enjoy the free class to glorify OLD BEIJING. More and more people will get to know this info and stay happily here for good because it is mutually beneficial.

; B0 y, q# e0 Y9 q

4)      This will also attract more foreigners all over to participate with their questions, too. They have to ask questions mostly in English due to their awkward and broken Chinese. If they intend to learn Chinese, fine, learn from our Old Beijing natives, it is more than authentic ever. However, if no one speaks English here, they are more than lost to go on from there with no message being delivered.

2 g% C; a3 w* E9 r* @$ V6 k" n

5)      Topics have to be updated accordingly like the forum in Chinese.

3 P& S1 w l5 G

6)      Other minority foreign languages should have other 板块s for communication separately with their interesting topics.

$ m- P( ~1 ^; T/ Q0 L, h6 r- X


+ l5 w; a1 [+ }

7) Don't you think that learning more authentic English has to do with better understanding of the cultures in English speaking countries, to have foreigners understand us better?  Therefore, instead of trying to tell them and have them accept our culture, we have to be modist enough to learn and use more native English for better comprehension of western points of view. This way, China and Old Beijing could only advance into the world community to attract their special attention( 让世人刮目相看).

; I% ? \4 V/ _0 T8 L; A+ h; Q1 k


- x# j* M; \& e6 ]

The Old Beijing then will sound not only old...... but also brand-new

) M( A% }$ }, @3 B# g5 i


! p% G& ]' f& R6 x, {6 A4 q

To name only a few from the top of my head,  and thanks for your special time and attention.

发表于 2010-7-3 17:24:00 | 显示全部楼层

The Karate Kid

While I am reading your messages above, don't know why but the first thing am thinking about is that the new movie I just watched with my family in America: "The Karaoke  Kid".2 _3 D$ g( ^1 c1 ]/ o8 e) c# U( U
$ W  J& K. V7 E# L1 @
I don't want to talk about how good or bad of it but would like to share with you guys that how I felt when I watched it.
" W: W, E! {2 x3 s, o. i5 a9 U4 g5 r/ \. O. C2 B% c' R
I felt so so proud.
! @" P8 s9 Q/ B# v( k7 ~) @
. }% f1 @8 X7 cI proud of it because it made in Beijing, China which is my hometown. 1 U" J* J1 u, f5 H$ J

* k: q; ~2 I; ?# W  [# @I proud of it because both of my children were so proud of themselves and happy when they understood the Chinese Language in the movie. In this way, it encouraged them to learn Chinese.% q  s4 ?" G( X% k" @

9 d2 X, X% h: s2 V& WAfter the movie finished, everyone was clapping their hands and smiled at me when they past by(they didn't know if I am Chinese or not).  I almost can not control myself to tell people that " Yes, you are right, I am Chinese, I came from Beijing, the beautiful place you just saw in the movie is my hometown..."
: a$ J7 [6 k7 S7 x, U3 K8 c, m8 S: a
# E6 N/ h4 \" S' V

The Karate Kid

The Karate Kid
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-5 23:30:00 | 显示全部楼层

I am already so moved not by the movie which I haven't got the chance to see but your description of the movie. I sure will see the movie myself. Do you think I can catch that on some movie websites?

8 G- S- D% I; R4 f: v' ?( C! }0 d5 w

I have exactly the same feeling like yours that I am so proud of myself being born and grew up in Beijing and speaking standard Mandarin Chinese. As a Beijing native living in this int'l capital city, we got to do something in any way possible to help people enjoy the city, local natives and/or foreigners who love the city of Beijing and China in general.

6 g8 m9 ^# X' j% i0 W2 k( x


$ E0 `( Y! O( K/ h

I always hope this forum will attract more and more attention from all corners of the world. I will stay here in stead of being sent away to some other foreign webs. Please,I need to be 顶ed a bit!!!!!!

0 n$ q. X0 U) x/ W5 ^


+ b4 W- x0 _# i& h( h

Come on!!!!!

发表于 2010-7-6 11:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
I can see and tell from here and there that how much works you have done and how many time you have spent on this forum. I can tell how hard you are trying to keep this site being active and vivid.
If your forum and your beautiful English writing is attracted me, then it sure will attract others "from all corners of the world". It's just time issue. ( l% h7 a8 x/ ]! }# D5 w7 Y: h0 X( k. C& b

Admirable! $ W2 d# R" A+ h! ?6 S( O0 B % L9 @3 Y6 Q. U3 B Z$ L7 q# x2 O

I definitely 顶ing you not only a bit but will try my best!!!

As for the "The Karaoke Kid"movie, Yes, my family and I are like it very much. Lots of old Beijing pictures and feelings. I don't really know if there any movie website that you can able to catch it on for now but honestly, go to the theater is the best choice for me. The music, the sounds, the feeling... much better than watch it at home.

顶ing you!!!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-4 07:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

The thing taht also puzzled me was the recent local election, during which the slogan everywhere saying "Cherish your demoncratic right, and serve your sacred vote" (something like that). Well, according to my servey, voters I met at the location prepared to vote "actively" told me that they did NOT even know whom they were going to vote for, they were asked to come for numbers 1,2,and 4.

( d! Q! q5 O$ |5 e6 x

All right, if so, what's the true meaning of the election, why was the right "so" demoncratic? And how was the vote "so
" sacred and holly...? Can someone tell me, as a qualified voter, the legitmate reason why you go and vote someone you never know of and think this is demoncratic and sacred (holly)?

! f' }4 ]% q+ h+ Z3 w6 ~


, A0 m* x% c( Y) n1 M

Please do not try to tell me the voting system in our country has not been complete just yet.

. a" [5 w! {4 C- M" C8 ^3 Q


9 ~, f. h% K a5 Q, |

Thanks ahead of time.

) q; K1 ^0 ?8 H


- @$ v7 S: ]/ R

还有一件令我烦恼之事就是最近的地方选举,各地的口号大概是这样说的“珍惜你民主的权利,投好神圣的一票”(大概都雷同吧),然而,据我在各投票地点的观察,大部分准备积极投票的“选民”告诉我说他们根本不知道他们要选谁,他们只是被通知来这里填写1, 2, 和4号候选人就行了。

% }3 {) t, e+ P1 F


% b4 x$ J3 b4 X2 w3 k


, j! {) r5 A1 J, A" Y( A; A


+ D% [3 h( S6 i8 }4 H


$ A5 e1 [/ h3 W
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-4 7:47:23编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-4 06:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

Dear MaJiaDaHuNiang,

8 x/ A- G7 V; S" h


& l& z: D9 q3 G% c$ e1 _# {( [) y

Long time no hear. Wherever you are, I'd like you to know that I AM watching right now the movie you suggested no matter how late it is. And I'd hereby like to wish you the best of you and your family life with full joy and pleasure. Your enthusiasm is always much appreciated and remembered.

. M* G- S) q4 }- y2 b* V
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-4 7:03:30编辑过]
发表于 2011-12-17 19:43:00 | 显示全部楼层


0 N: h9 ~! W4 E' A/ n4 W0 F
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-17 20:03:14编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-21 10:44:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 靳京 于 2013-5-21 10:49 编辑 1 }1 K2 M8 s1 e# D
8 L' w' _3 n+ y+ \4 e
2 years have gone by through time that flies. The forum remains the same as ever just like the gt above. as it always was, "everything is as difficult" as it was yrs ago (这个问题挺难的). Then how do Chinese people ever progress & advance as the speed of its weird economy has been going, whose problems are yet to come sooner or later? As citizens of a certain country, people MUST get themselves involved in anything that has to do with their lives, including political, economic, spiritual issues, etc. Do you wait and/or expect something that's always in vain and won't act and do something to even glorify "Old Beijing" to keep this "Foreign Language Forum" going?6 A8 [/ ^) ]5 @" c% `( ?/ e( P
I have been trying to introduce American friends into this forum, however,  I can't help laughing myself what I am supposed to tell them in this forum. Suggestions have been made and told years ago to all the BanzhuS, which seemed to be long time without answers of any kind. I'd rather go without telling anyone, instead, information about Old Beijing has to be communicated through oral language, what a pity of "Old Beijing Forum" in which other Americans are facing a wall of Chinese characters but fail to understand a word of it !!!!& c0 B$ ]4 Z4 U. \' u- s
I'm still puzzled........
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