语法小常识(Minor grammar points): , `" s& I }8 \( Z4 N
3 r7 s8 ~: f; V# b
I am dead to have some authentic Old Beijing food but at lost where to go. Beijing is such a big city and sufferring from unstable and constant construction. Can someone let me know where exactly I should go to satisfy my appetite with some 豌豆黄,驴打滚儿,艾窝窝,芝麻酱烧饼,炸糕, 豆汁儿,炒肝儿,羊汤儿 and certainly 焦圈儿 and a lot more.
! v2 Q$ \6 o6 |) c- k; j- B8 z7 R
" R! w( \% x3 ?' x9 f' P1) I am dead to do sth. 表示急于想做某事(在此处是为了吃到什么),否则就会死的样子。 9 N* v1 Z* y/ S: N1 p5 F
2)at lost 是迷失方向,不知如何是好,语法上是“介词短语”,也是跟着前边的系词AM的,与dead一样,中国称之为“表语”,美国则叫做“主语补语”
' p, t- i* t* Q$ s9 p. m0 [3)Where exactly:exactly 是一个从形容词加ly变来的副词,在这里修饰另一个副词where, 语法功能上是做状语,强调地点“究竟”在哪儿.
/ j& M5 b6 m. [8 w4 Z! |5 R4)to satisfy one's appetite 满足某人的胃口或食欲 % F3 J8 J6 q: D
5)the old Beijing food in English can of course be written in Chinese PinYin.
+ R" D" i4 b3 P W( X' C/ y5 ~* B1 e1 C
Anyway, I wonder where EXACTLY I should go for the food? Please let me know. (请告知吃老北京小吃的具体方位或准确地点)。 9 S0 ?+ m+ g r. B' `" Q( l
; n/ b" `3 N% j0 L$ ]Maybe a foreigner is looking for the food, how can we help him/her out as a native of Beijing? Isn't the purpose of this forum to nelp us learn and help people out there?? * D F9 |/ m1 D; k( {5 u6 O; h
5 @. H' s# X) j1 L
" l8 t; W# A# s
Thanks ahead of time. |