除了以下这些景点儿,老北京们还能带老外们去哪玩儿呢: ) F, T0 B! V% w
+ ~' x8 b# g' J* Tiananmen Square & Forbidden City 天安门和故宫 * · Summer Palace 颐和园 * · Temple of Heaven 天坛 * · Ming Tombs 十三陵 * · Hutong (traditional part of Beijing) 逛胡同 * · Beijing Zoo 动物园 * · Lama Temple 雍和宫 * · Xiushui Market/Silk Market 秀水街 * · Bird's Nest & Water Cube (Olympic Village) 水立方和鸟巢 * · Olympic Green 奥林匹克绿地 * · Great Wall at Juyongguan (the most magnificent) 居庸关长城 * · Great Wall at Badaling (the most famous) 八达岭 * · Great wall at Mutianyu (the prettiest) 慕田峪长城 * · Great wall at Jinshanling (good for hiking) 金山岭 。。。。。。。 |