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Can't believe my eyes 看到的是真的。。。。

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发表于 2011-2-10 10:03:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I was kind of excited right after the weather broadcast last night over TV about snow report over last   night. However, the new is true this time this morning when everyone sees the accumulation of white snow on the ground, and it not only gives good mood to people but also nourishes the crops in the agricultural fields. Worth celebrating the good sign of the years in spring season, isn't it! It is still going on right now at the momment.........

6 A/ Q x7 u8 y/ |3 C3 X


5 {# z/ t; Y; O- V. `% p) B- ?6 \8 ]

Welcome the SNOW, and warmly welcome the 2011 new comers (including 3 old BANZHUs) to the forum and leave a few lines of your words.

; f- `8 J8 e' G8 @# o3 g


@- t2 N( M, e- l I0 G* i

昨晚从电视上得知要下雪的消息后就有点儿激动,结果当今天一早看到地面的积雪时才真正证实消息的准确。雪 ----不但给人以好的心情,还滋润田间的农作物,值得庆贺春天的好兆头啊。雪----- 此时还在继续。。。。。

+ I2 H) i& I( V' {, t' o8 p' Y


% F6 E$ b/ j C$ _




发表于 2011-2-12 10:54:00 | 显示全部楼层

thanks for late sonw in spring season . it's late but is better than nothing

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-12 21:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

Awesome!!! Isn't that what we have been expecting? thanks for the involvement of "Little Shampagne" and his comment. Welcome back.

! F! r8 X3 M5 E+ \. k# e: a/ O


, }/ z' @4 E( n5 y8 o, R5 Y

太好了!这不正是我们一直所期待的吗? 感谢“小香槟”的参与和感言, 欢迎多多关注。

" K$ l2 {2 ]- [! f3 k8 |, L


% g" g& @8 F9 F+ h* l& I; s7 X

Here I used the word"awesome" to express "good". How many expressions in English that we can use to stand for the word "GOOD"?

5 x, c* b h: P/ |, [

No matter on what occasions they are used. Let's try some together:

8 y9 S3 i3 H4 m0 r. N" c4 n# z# Z p

在这里我使用了“awesome” 这个词表达“GOOD好”这个意思。在英语里,我们所知道的有多少词语同样表达“好”这层意思?无论在什么的场合下使用。我们一起试试:

- ^$ A5 c% O1 h1 i! ^. b


6 b4 D. L4 U6 A& t+ G+ |1 E


+ P& K9 F0 @3 _1 w" Q) P


$ q3 g8 M* d/ f! O


发表于 2011-2-12 16:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
there will be a second snow soon, just tonight.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-13 10:20:00 | 显示全部楼层

2) Gorgeous! The snow did repeat its good welcome to cover the ground again for the Spring!

0 J: p+ k: @! \1 Y8 D- s


! E; F7 v# m% u4 `


 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-18 10:44:00 | 显示全部楼层

Very good!

L9 v% f9 `* x+ e


" ^" H/ L' ~; e& s

So, 3)fantastic; 4) wonderful; 5)perfect; 6) marvellous; and ......

' u6 b) m7 m) G( c6 Q/ y" k1 |* u* V


! t+ V* _9 Y8 O( z& t! s$ X( E

7) great! 8) terrific! 9) splendid! 10) super! 11) beautiful! 12) tremendous! .........

7 Q. M8 d8 U9 s9 Z* y0 f8 v) m0 n


( @; Q- y" `- h1 H5 \

还有吗? 好像是吧。。。。

发表于 2011-2-17 17:45:00 | 显示全部楼层

fantastic, wonderful,perfect,marvellous 有的词比较大,已经是“好”的延伸了。

6 o9 {1 R+ P( N, l7 Q

the word awesome is really frequently used by foreignersin oral English!! 

发表于 2011-2-18 18:13:00 | 显示全部楼层


: M \/ P; n- e* |% q Z

还有spectacular grand magnificent

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