Okay. Now I've heard from many foreign visitors from beijing, some of whom have only been here in Beijing for about a month , and they are surely going through a stage of confusion and disgust that all laowai must endure if they are to stay in China... but they have to ask... why do Chinese men insist on hawking and spitting as loudly as they can in front of people? They think it's gross. one heard a man down the hall close to him hawking so loudly it sounded like he had the dry heaves! Is it the dust? The pollution? However, Chinese women don't do it, so it must be socially unacceptable for them. So by what logic do the men think that it's acceptable for them?
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Has this ever bothered anyone else, or are the LAOWAIs completely deranged? 2 m3 z. H- v) {: ~
一个问题经与外国游客交流在此提出供国人探讨。他们当中的一些人来北京不过月八天而已,然而他们已经明显地经历着思维的模糊与作呕,原因是“我们老外们”如果要在中国停留的话。。。他们不太懂,但又一定想弄清楚的是。。。中国男人为什么持续地大声“尅儿卡”的清嗓儿,还当着众人的面随地吐痰?他们感到非常的作呕。一位外宾听到一个男人在大厅里“干嚎”般的清嗓就像要呕吐,很不习惯。 9 U7 b1 j2 [$ ]0 v( ]
是因为灰尘吗?污染吗?然而中国的女士们却很少如此这般。。。所以他们认为这一定是一种与社会的“约定俗成”现象。是什么逻辑使男人们可以如此这般呢? ' q# T" ?7 _, V6 l# |8 ~: Y1 Q
- b# S$ F5 `7 j+ @这个问题是否也让他人困惑过,还是老外们有点儿神经错乱?
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1 t' Q, X6 [1 D% f) X, V7 i: a3 ~/ SYour comments 您的高见,说来听听。 & t( K5 z1 T8 ^* X3 f