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A most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in his history books are great conquetors and generals and soldiers, wherers the people who really helped civilization forward are often mentioned at all. We do not know who firt calculated the length of the year, or manured a field, but we know all about the killers and destroyers. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest nummber of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is possible they are,but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight so do sawages. Hence to be good at fighting is to be good in a way in which an animal or a sawage as good, but it is not to be civilized.ffice ffice" /> . Z. s" G( Z2 ?% h, e7 ?
People fight to settle quarrels. Fingting means killing. And civilized peoples ought to be abble to find some way of settle their disputes other than by seeing which side can killer off the greater nummber or other side , and then saying that that side which has killed most have won. And not only has won,but, because it haa won, has been in the right. For that is what going to war means: it means saying that might is right.
# Y2 O: B8 {2 l) ]2 r P' I 6 K( j$ c- \' P0 i; e% j& L6 h
在历史书上出现最频繁,最受赞扬的人物中,大多数是伟大的征服者,将军和士兵.而那些真正把文明向前推进的人却往往全然没有提及.我们不知道是谁第一个计算出一年的长度,或者是谁第一个给土地施肥的.但我们却知道屠杀者和破坏者的一切.我认为多数人相信在战斗中击败的国家最多的,并作为征服者统治别国的则是最伟大的国家.他们可能是最伟大的,但不是最文明的.动物争斗,野蛮人也如此.因此会打仗只不过是动物和野蛮人的擅长,但不是文明! 0 z9 [' F1 S+ X& X
" E8 G p, w- {; e' ]% H0 O
5 M/ Q0 y2 ]1 Q
0 Z9 L: z( Y3 \
% L; W& j2 f5 M6 r$ \0 N 我有实力
, W- V) ], n2 k$ V+ V 你还记得9.11吗?
. n' F8 @2 O4 L) r$ t7 L( ~ 你跑不了的!
! n5 h& s$ K+ J/ J6 t- f 你根本就找不到我!
% _5 y9 n) ^# K" f. B
拜拜啦,不和你玩了。。。。。。 7 E1 v3 j1 M- q: I) X
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-5-18 9:58:05编辑过] |