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0 E: Q" h8 S9 t7 S 这些年来,中国的传统节日逐步又热闹了起来。从春节开始,过不了多少天就是一个节日。我也记不清楚到底有多少个节日了,只知道又到了该花钱的日子里。倒是很高兴,平时遇不到的人在各种节日里能自然碰到,平时懒得做的饭也要在朋友面前露一手了,小吃小酌,高谈阔论,互相吹牛,在这些节日里就很自然了,也没人理会了,而且能带来一些愉快的场面,也可以把平时工作的劳累解脱一下了。ffice ffice" />
' k, _4 w/ P3 p! d我总觉得中国的传统节日大都来自民间,是那些勤劳的中国人用不同的方式逐步归纳,后来形成的统一的日子,后来叫做节日。但从来也没考证过,只是这么踹则。 " q: p+ E5 y! K
3 |! r1 C5 f' n D% r 相传端午节好像和屈原有关,历史书是这么说,经常听老人也是这么讲,但现在的许多年轻人也说不清楚,其实我也是不太清楚,到了端午节,想到的不是屈原而是什么粽子好,是南方的好呢还是北方的好啊什么的,屈原最后死在汨罗江里,这一点我知道,在中学的时候就知道,至于当时的历史背景和故事,大家可能早就知道,不用现在讲了。 ' t1 L2 Q. E( K' H8 T
- t) m8 E) h( A+ p 有个韩国的朋友,也来看望我,但让我有些不愉快。别的不说,他说,端午节是韩国的传统节日,不是中国创建的。。。。。 : r0 o/ \9 g, B: x" d- L, x' l: ^( m
& ~1 r& d( v8 p/ ^ C6 ?% G6 ` 我一向不把那些来自“弹丸小国”的人当个事,在他们面前我从来都是很傲气的,这次可惹上我了,我非要让他说清楚,说明白。他说韩国已经把端午节是韩国的传统节日提交到了联合国什么的。真的是他们的传统节日。其实他都不知道中国的阴历是怎么回事。都是听他们当局说的。我后来就不生气了,觉得没什么意思了。那么个弹丸小国,爱说什么就说什么吧。我拿出来各种风味的粽子让他品尝,他都说太好了,太好了!我当时都怀疑他是否真正吃过中国的粽子呢,是否看见过都难说!我忽然想起聊斋里的故事:鬼总是想扮装得漂亮些;越穷的人越爱把自己弄得阔些的事情了。我的外国友人很多,我从来没有把他们分过高、低、贵、贱;平时都是嘻嘻哈哈的,我很爱国的,我可以请他们吃中国饭,可以送中国的物品,我从来不在乎的,但在这事上,我不允许他们胡说的 !我是不会让步的!现在中国已经崛起,在世界的各个角落里都有中国人,而且都是起着主导地位的。再过几年,恐怕过中国传统节日的国家会越来越多了。 ' G7 o% r1 c* v2 b( C4 N8 L0 {
1 @3 Z6 \$ K5 ?6 N 5 Y+ Y& N9 z4 r" L, m8 B+ c
* R5 ^/ z; C& p$ y
These years, China's traditional festival gradually and bustling. From the Spring Festival, had not the number of days is a holiday. I do not remember how many festivals in the end, and only know but also to the days of the money. Actually very happy, normal people who never quite found in a variety of festivals to the natural touch, usually too lazy to do the meal but also to show off in front of friends, and snacks drink, talk, bragging to each other, in the very nature of these festivals , also deaf ears, and it can bring some pleasant scenes, you can usually work the fatigue relief about the whole thing. I always feel that most of China's traditional festival from the public, those hard-working Chinese people in different ways and gradually induction, then the days of the formation of a unified, later called the festival. But I have never been verified, but such a kick is. Later, the addition of festivals, what Valentine's Day, April Fool's Day, and many not by name all of a sudden holiday, also came, those who are foreign holiday. I often encounter when abroad, festivals, festivals do not know what that means, I am greedy, not much to ask from, as long as have good food, I thought every day a holiday! But I still want to eat Chinese food, that incense! According to legend, Qu Yuan and Dragon Boat Festival as related to the history books say, that is so often heard old people say, but now many young people do not know, actually, I just do not know, to the Dragon Boat Festival, but the thought of what is not Qu Yuan dumplings is good, in the South or the North Well what is good, and Qu Yuan died in the Miluo River in the final, which I know in high school to know, as the historical background and stories, we may already know, do not Now talk about it. China's traditional culture and traditional festivals in fact, has a different meaning and connotation, known from ancient times to the. China's working people in sweat also creates many folk culture, and folk art in the world, it remains unique. Really something, when I am in a foreign country, whenever I think about these, as their national honor and pride. Have a Korean friend, also came to visit me, but I'm somewhat happy. Among other things, he said, the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in Korea, not China created. . . . . At first I thought it was a joke, but some unhappy feelings soon after to see him put it also very serious, I'm really upset! He is very serious to say, to put it very exciting. I am even more upset. I have always been not to those from the "small country" person as a thing, I never in front of them are very arrogant, and this can get into me, I have to let him make it clear, to say it. He said South Korea has the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in Korea to submit to what the United Nations. Really is their traditional festivals. In fact, he did not know how the story of China's lunar calendar. Authorities say they are listening. I was not angry, I feel no meaning. So a small country, say what love saying it. I'm all out to let him taste the flavor of the dumplings, he said great, great! I doubt whether he really was eating Chinese dumplings, and whether seen are hard to say! I suddenly remembered the story in Ghost Story: Ghost always wanted to makeup to beautify; the poorer the people become confused love to own some of the things wide. Many of my foreign friends, I have never put their points too high, low, expensive, cheap; usually are laughing and joking, I'm patriotic, I can ask them to eat Chinese food, you can send items in China, I never do not care But in this matter, I do not allow their nonsense! I will not compromise! Now China has emerged, in every corner of the world are Chinese, and they are playing a leading position. In a few years, I am afraid the country over traditional Chinese festivals will be more and more. Dragon Boat Festival to, I still can not change tempts problems, see, Dounong little Chinese traditional food, good taste a little, but also an eye-opener for Korean friends, give them to eat a day to talk about the Dragon Boat Festival, Qu Yuan River in input where China, which maps in South Korea can not be found!
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[原创]端午节和粽子 (汉英双语版)
[原创]端午节和粽子 (汉英双语版)