纽约时报07月11日头版报道前门地区拆迁: http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/07/11/news/beijing.php Old Beijing Worries about the 2008 Gamge.BEIJING A short walk from Tian/an/men Square and the Great Hall of the People, a historic neighborhood known as Qianmen looks as if a bomb dropped on it. Ancient homes lie in rubble. Scavengers squat in alleyways and wait to ransack vacated buildings. The bomb that hit the neighborhood is the 2008 Olympic Games, an event that has turned much of the city into a noisy, disjointed construction zone. New subway lines and new roads are under construction, even a striking new downtown. On the city's northern rim, at least 25,000 laborers are building the Olympic stadiums and village. And yet amid such grand projects, it is modest Qianmen, once the domain of Qing Dynasty opera singers and classical scholars, that is prompting an uneasy question: Will the Olympic Games, which organizers promised would enhance the city's cultural heritage, instead help finish off what remains of old Beijing? ... 7 z/ H+ T$ _' T2 A
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