It's about time to say "Merry Christmas". Everyone in the world knows Christmas is around the corner. However, how much do we actually comprehend this important holiday season, during which westerners celebrate it as if they were doing their own birthdays with lights of different colors from big cities to the local communities? What does this mean to Chinese then who are not at all believers in Jesus Christ but also busy celebrating it at exactly same time along with the western world. What do we learn from the event and enlighten Chinese society each year, or it's simply nothing but fun? What's going to happen in the holiday to each family and each person in western world, as well as to ours?
Your comment is of great importance to the basic understanding to those who know a lot about the holiday and those who know nothing at all.
要说“圣诞快乐”的时辰到了。 世界各地都知道圣诞节即将来临,可是我们真正对这个在西方国家的城市和社区里张灯结彩,就像庆祝自己的生日一样地庆祝圣诞的情景了解多少?然而对我们很多并不信耶稣基督但又在同一时间与西方社会一起忙于庆贺的中国人来说主要意味着什么呢?我们从这个一年一次的活动中学到了什么,对中国社会又有何启发,还是仅仅是好玩儿而已?在西方社会的节日期间,对每个家庭和个人会发生什么事,对我们呢?
您的评语对了解圣诞节和根本不了解这一节日的人应该是同样重要。 * V; O( P0 `! y% n9 R& R {
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