环球时报英文版:一家在美国注册的公司惹恼了众城市规划师 《环球时报》英文版 (解立译) * t! h; D I3 S4 x. M' h
By Yan Shuang 闫爽
5 ^ F' @! J: J7 R3 o5 |. p8 Y
0 H0 y0 ^. o* dAn American organization for city planners has landed in Beijing intending to suss out a company it says is ruining the reputation of design firms from the US. 7 t+ q% M4 X$ Z, P3 ?2 k- Z' h2 P
' u+ |" _+ ?6 S' s! Z
( G+ [8 L4 d, C0 L' d" i2 q0 ZThe American Planning Association (APA) told the Global Times that Boston International Design Group (BIDG) has been besmirching the US urban planning profession's name by taking credit for projects done by other companies.
, A2 H- V* N' w' O0 b( X/ e' } 2 a5 L; H# x5 Z) n0 L
美国规划协会(APA)告诉《环球时报》记者,由于剽窃其它公司设计项目的成果,这个波士顿国际设计集团(BIDG)已经一直在损害美国城市规划行业的形象。 $ T3 A6 O! h0 I, b8 v& B
1 N; }* R- y, K% {
They said they have been overseeing gentrification of older districts in China, something that has been unpopular with the Chinese public. 8 j8 p0 O3 y9 F; _: z
/ q: o: w, |% s+ p. }7 h4 t- _% i
他们表示也注意到中国老城区改造中出现的贵族化现象,而且看到中国公众对此非常不满。 ( y$ l3 l$ \9 Q l# [0 r
; [- K" b. X: f2 LTwo American companies have complained to the APA that BIDG took their plans, put them on its website and claimed to be the designer, said Fang Yuan, Program Associate for International Affairs. "BIDG's a speculation company. It's registered in the US."
8 o/ I. _& [; i& u# G# t8 { # K$ g! l+ D; Y1 c: _+ @9 j' V
# x, S& L% G" D9 \. _ B
+ h5 N a0 ~/ F" x "What they did is lose-lose for the reputation of both the Chinese and American planning profession," Fang told the Global Times.
; x& r% A" B# s. _/ s6 h
& b* V: G: s/ O' L7 V' p/ C/ O“他们的所作所为给无论是中国还是美国的规划行业都带来了伤害。”方说。
, Y8 b/ c4 I# H w
4 F. d7 F( ]' |/ m, I U3 l# z EBIDG, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts with a mainly Chinese staff, recently received massive criticism in China from architectural designers and experts after its reconstruction design for Nanluoguxiang's South end was reported by the media in early December.
M7 e( c7 m5 f7 M6 y- U4 K+ E
+ \% z% Y y0 h2 T! T. C总部设在麻省剑桥,雇员主要为华人的BIDG,主持了南锣鼓巷南端的重建设计,该方案最近受到来自中国建筑师和专家的强烈批评,媒体在十二月初进行了相关报道, 4 m! g1 D9 d6 o1 O7 X4 ~& m
5 O: H+ Z1 z9 H; j& I/ \& d
Two-story buildings will replace the current one-story courtyard houses to the east and west of the south entrance to Nanluoguxiang, along Di'anmen Dongdajie, according to the rendition.
& l$ @: i+ Y2 l& x; @0 u/ A
% ~; j& O8 |2 X* D# W5 ?1 {根据方案,沿地安门东大街,在南锣鼓巷南入口的东西两侧,原有的传统平房四合院建筑将被两层的新式建筑取代。"The design would seriously damage the original style of the area, which is against regulations for historic and cultural site protection," said Hua Xinmin, a land property rights expert in Beijing. i4 w; Y$ u, s
4 O* o2 O: d& i1 w F北京土地产权专家华新民表示:“这一设计会严重破坏该区域原有的风貌,是违反历史文化遗产保护条例的”,
* G" g% O4 E+ h( J! d/ P$ L ; M# n2 y- B1 q( ?& |
The Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning told the Global Times the plan has yet to receive government approval. - ]% U- r! R* O+ W4 B0 s
5 B& l8 H0 Y# i4 W5 @ O# }: W9 X
而北京市城市规划委员会告诉环球时报记者,该方案还没有得到政府批准。 9 [5 l/ F% w2 j1 U7 D
, H2 A& y- W* r7 Y
Chen Dan, an employee with BIDG's Beijing office, also said it was just an idea not a fixed plan. : _. Q$ C# [- }
# }0 X% O* O3 O* B" A9 \% O陈丹,BIDG北京办公室的一位工作人员也提到,该方案仅仅是一个初步想法,还没有最终确定。
6 C7 V' F. S. d8 N D. x7 Z
: K( O1 n! O- N) Y" W"It's a sensitive time to talk about the plan," Chen told the Global Times on December 7. She refused to say whether the Nanluoguxiang plan has received government approval from city planning authorities. Another public relations employee with the company's Beijing office said the design is just an idea, and not yet put into practice. 3 x) f! l _. L$ o/ S
! K% I, F) V/ M- c“现在谈论这个方案比较敏感”陈于12月7号这样对环球时报记者说。她拒绝回答南锣鼓巷方案是否已经从城市规划部门得到了政府批准。另一位公司的公关人员说这一设计方案还只是设想,没有付诸实施。
* P3 g7 C! |9 H; E $ R5 @6 }2 N O6 `$ W6 O
Zeng Yizhi, a member of the International Committee on Monuments and Sites in China, told the Global Times that she has appealed to the capital's planning and cultural protection authorities to cancel BIDG's design plans on protected sites. ( A& B8 b7 H6 d
0 V/ ~: ]- O# w; q( z g; M1 |
中国古迹遗址保护协会会员曾一智告诉环球时报记者,她已经向首都规划和文物保护当局提出申请,请求撤销BIDG公司对几个历史文化保护区所作的设计方案。 2 W* k2 d1 J3 F) g9 p2 B3 i
7 k9 z: O& e! K) ]; m. QAPA will meet with representatives from the US Department of Commerce as well today, said Jeffrey Soule, APA's Director of the International and Outreach Division. "We hope to see better administration achieved regarding these overseas-registered Chinese companies after our visit."
: l8 O4 `3 g% U" r6 g+ ]1 ~7 f 8 `" ]' l/ D( Q) O
美国规划协会今日也将与美国商业部代表会谈,协会国际部主任Jefferey Soule表示:“希望我们此行能够促进在海外注册的中国公司得到更好的行政管理。”