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Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏[含15P]

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发表于 2012-1-4 18:33:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

My home is right behind the Summer Palace. It always reminds me of those good old days of my childhood. Attached are some of the old pictures to attract some of the attention of people who love the park. Hope you like them. 

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Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

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Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

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[此贴子已经被作者于2012-1-4 23:54:07编辑过]

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏


 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-8 13:50:00 | 显示全部楼层

Summer Palace is somehow to me always the best in the best among public parks in Beijing. So many people, professional and amateurs, have taken a great number of pictures to show their talents. However, I still quite appreciate those taken years ago enjoying the visual and vivid beauty of comparison and slight changes throughtout the old time and many more new years to come.

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Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

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Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

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Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏  

+ F; B/ p6 e. O7 Q) E9 t$ U

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

冰上“文革忠字舞”。。。。。 也算它是张老的吧。 : i) T$ e e* @' C3 \
[此贴子已经被作者于2012-1-8 19:43:35编辑过]

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏
 楼主| 发表于 2012-1-24 21:08:00 | 显示全部楼层

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

Some old pictures of Summer Palace around 1920s颐和园旧照欣赏

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