21楼我们已经说的是70s till 80s up.这个UP在英语语法上是个没边儿没沿儿的词(7-80年代以上)。。。。另外重在欣赏和回味吗。感谢您关顾“外国语论坛”,也欢迎其他语种的同仁们。。。。。 0 c6 D! G, A Y. f3 f! A$ M
, r# \1 L {, y9 e# C
4 `) Z: b7 _" I& F
However, have you guys ever heard the story about the oil painting "Chairman Mao to AnYuan"?
$ Z4 Y5 U4 _/ Y6 f3 m
0 ~: F- A1 T0 B; r' a* V9 z! T1st of all, I have to clarify myself that the picture itself was published and sold through XinHua Bookstores in 1968 originally. I remenber the days when I was a 2nd grader at elementary school as we 1st had the picture for free. At the moment, the army guy (not a soldier but Gong1 Xuan1 Dui4)told us if we made the picture a role and put either end to the ear, we would have heard someone shouting "Long Live Chairman Mao"! Therefore, so many kids did and said they heard it. I repeated the same as they did but heard nothing but some air blowing. I told the military guy the true story. However, to fulfill his own purpose, he told me, "Even though you didn't hear it, you have to tell other people you did to be more politically correct, okay?" I had to say nothing but YES. What a funny and stupid story even to share with people today. Anyway, I still keep one original picture with me today.
5 @5 y8 e$ }* V4 ~! ~1 @" K8 [ Can you understand the story and share your thoughts? Or why does the story sound so stupid now and then? We got to learn something from it.
- o: W! L4 A; y. n谁能分享一下这个真实的故事,或者说说无论当时还是现在,它是如此地荒谬绝伦?
. c* Y' m. l9 J3 s5 x
0 {. p5 J$ S6 gHave a good day! 2 U# G5 R O4 d$ p: b' d* W
[此贴子已经被作者于2012-2-5 15:53:09编辑过] |