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呼市老街1st time in the old city[含14P]

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发表于 2012-4-20 14:28:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

It was the 1st time in my life to be in Huhehaote. And to my great surprise, I didn't see as many Mongolians and other weird stuff in the city as I could imagine untill I came into the old town market by DaZhaoSi Temple.

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呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

! A* Y8 s1 O# H0 j! V% Q
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/20 14:51:56编辑过]


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-20 14:33:00 | 显示全部楼层

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

呼市老街1st time in the old city

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