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发表于 2013-7-23 10:09:00
本帖最后由 弘德皇帝 于 2013-7-23 10:11 编辑
$ f9 j4 t8 L8 |! B j, V靳京 发表于 2013-7-22 14:51! M/ ^$ m( H9 S# J- N* v
“Where where”...哪里哪里, 呵呵!Someone here has put me up so high. Well, I have no other choic ...
: V; A. f* s `& s* B. T0 H: u: mThe other one is called street-view image(通景画,这个词是必应翻译出来的,但我记得不是这么说,家里有本这方面的词典,但不在手边,实在是忘了到底该怎么说). This is a kind of image that make you feel immersive. Everything painted on the wall or on the ceiling is vivid as you have been in the circumstance the paiting shows. For instance, they may draw a round gate on the wall. When you first step into Juanqinzhai, you would go straight to the wall and access the gate. However, as you get closer and closer, you will find just a thick piece of paper on the paper with fabulous pigment. That's the glamour of such a painting. This perspective was first initially brought to China by the Chrisitans and then Chinese craftsmen acquired such a skill. And also, it could be called as the "origin of 3D". Juanqinzhai is the symbolisation of building with complicated and magnificent decoration full of Chinese ancient metals such as ceramics, jade, bamboo, cloisonne, ivory, wood, rhino horn, gold, silver, bronze and seashell. As it still remains the style of Qianlong reign period, this lodge should be seriously protected. |